Sadravi, Jaleh

Safe, Dean

Sage, Jack

Sager, Allan

Saliers, Don

Salvatierra, Alexia

Salvesen, Karen

Salveson, Kirk

Salveson, Warren

Samuelson, Erik

Samuelson, Erik and Annemarie Russell

Sanders, Nadine

Sanderson, Chris

Sanderson, Terry

Santerre, Pam

Santmire, Paul

Sartain, William and Theda

Sateren, Judi

Sateren, Terry

Satre, Dorothy

Satre, Lowell

Satre, Roy

Saucer, Bobby Jo

Savage, Mark

Sawyer, Margaret

Sayler, Gerri

Scarfe, Eunice

Scatter Creek Band

Schaefer, Chuck

Schaefer, Greg and Shauna Hannon

Schalk, Carl

Scharen, Chris

Scharf, Cliff

Schattauer, Thomas

Schaumburg, John

Schemmel, Franz

Schick, Jamie

Schifferdecker, Kathryn

Schiotz, Fredrik

Schmeling, Bradley

Schmidt, Alex

Schmidt, Corine

Schmidt, Peter

Schmidt, Tom

Schmidt, Vicki

Schneider-Chen, Karen

Schneider, Ed

Schneider, Heidi

Schneider, Karl

Schneider, Karl and Richard Anderson

Schoepp, Mark

Scholtz, Roger

Scholz, Robert

Schramm, Heidi

Schramm, John

Schramm, John and Mary

Schramm, John and Ray Makeever

Schramm, Karen

Schramm, Mary

Schroeder, Dave

Schroeder, Edward

Schroeder, Eunice

Schroeder, Phil

Schroeder, Sieg

Schroeer, Will

Schuler, Paula

Schultz-Akerson, Peggy

Schultz, Robert

Schultz, Robert and Walter Bouman

Schultz, Ruth

Schultz, Sara

Schum, Agnes Ann

Schut, Michael

Schutz, Barbara

Schwehn, Kaethe

Schwehn, Kaethe and Jeshua Erickson

Schwehn, Mark

Schwidder, Ernst

Scott-Boria, Mary

Scott, David

Scott, Willy

Scribner, Duane

Searles, Nancy

Seattle Chamber Music Ensemble

Seattle Homeless Women’s Choir

Seattle Pro Musica

Secor-Turner, Molly

Secor-Turner, Molly and Scott Harpin

Sedio, Mark

Sedore, Marva

Seger, Roy

Segerhammer, Carl

Segerhammer, Ruth

Senne, Edgar

Servis, Steve

Settlage, Craig

Severson, Bernita and Elsie Dyrud

Shades of Praise

Shah-Johnson, Anjuli

Sharar, Katie

Shelley, Anne

Shelley, Barry

Shelley, John

Shelp, David

Shelton, Diane

Shepherd, Bill

Sherry, Cooper

Sherry, Cooper and Sarah

Shiner, Dianne

Shjerven, Rebecca Lucky

Shoemaker, Bruce

Shoger, Jan

Shoger, Ross

Shore, Mary Hinkle

Shultz, Cindy

Sider, Arbutus

Sider, Ron

Siebert, Joseph

Siefkes, Jim

Sikkink, Gene

Simkins, Bill

Simon, Art

Simon, Geoff

Simon, Paul

Simpkins, Bill

Simpson, Gary

Simundson, Daniel

Sine, Tom

Siqueland, Ann

Sirguy, Martha

Sister Ingeborg

Sittler, Barbara

Sittler, Joseph

Sivesind, Stan

Sjursen, Harold

Skinner, Mary Etta

Skrade, Carl

Slaba, Scott

Slettedahl, Rick

Smiley, Sandra

Smith, Elwood

Smith, Janeen

Smith, Jim

Smith, Keith

Smith, Laura

Smith, Lou

Smith, Mike

Smith, Robert

Smith, Tom

Smith, Verlyn

Sneen, Don

Snow, Luther

Soeldner, Joyce

Soeldner, Thomas

Soelle, Dorothee

Solberg, Charles

Solberg, Clarence

Solomon, Arthur

Sondahl, Peter

Sonnack, Paul

Sonntag, Hans

Sorrells, Kathy

Sorteberg, Mary

Sorum, Andrea

Soule, Dax

Soyster, John

Spalteholz, Hans

Spencer, Craig and Suzy

Spencer, Dan

Splichal Larson, Renee

Splichal Larson, Renee and Taryn Montgomery

Sponheim, David

Sponheim, Paul

Spoonheim, Isa

Spry, Bunt and Dorothy

Stabb, John

Staley, Jeffrey

Stallman, Jamison

Stansell, Gary

Stanton, Christy and Whit Hutchison

Statz, Michele

Steeber, Greta

Stefanides, Steve

Steinke, Peter

Stemper, Sherry

Stenerson, Ruth

Stevenson, Kent

Stewart, Ben

Stewart, Ben and Elizabeth

Stewart, Cheryl

Stewart, Richard

Sticklin, Karen

Stineman, Russ

Stivers, Robert

Stixrud, Annette and Judy Andersen

Stoldt, Frank

Stonebraker, Eleanor

Stonebrook, Phyllis

Stoner, John

Storch, Carol

Storey, Alan

Storl, Heidi

Stortz, Marty

Stoutland, Judith

Strait, Paula

Streed, Stephen

Streese, Germano and Wanda Deifelt

Strehlow, Bill

Streng-Broste, Clarie

Streng, Evelyn

Streng, William

Streufert, Mary

Strickert, Fred

Strohl, Jane

Strom, Karen

Strommen, Merton

Strommen, Normajean

Strommen, Pete

Stromseth, Lyn

Strum, George

Stuhr, Walter

Stuthman, Deon

Suknaic-Saulnier, Cecie

Suomala, Karla

Swanson, Becky

Swanson, Byron

Swanson, Byron and Katherine

Swanson, Emily

Swanson, Gerry

Swanson, Heather

Swanson, Kathryn

Swanson, Richard

Swanson, Steve

Swenson, Craig

Swenson, Michael

Swensson, Eric

Swihart, Al

Swihart, Jean

Symons, Van

Syverud, A. E. (Steve)

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

February 8, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome