Audio Archive

Staley, Jeffrey

Jeff is a professor in New Testament at the University of Portland, Portland, Oregon.


Reading Our Way into the Fourth Gospel: John 1:1-18

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

Great Expectations: More in the Gospel of John

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

Deciphering the Signs: John 2:1-25

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

Conversations with a Respected Guide: More in the Gospel of John

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

Romance in a Foreign Land: John 4:1-45

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

The Parting of the Way: John 6:1 – 7:13

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

Blind Man's Bluff: John 9:1-41

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

Dead Man's Sister: John 11:1 – 12:11

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

The Long Goodbye: John 13:1 – 17:26

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

Ending with a Beginning: John 18:1 – 21:25

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1991

A Spirit Borne Community Luke-Acts: Divine Altarcation

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

A Spirit Borne Community Luke-Acts: Angels in the Outfield

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

A Spirit Borne Community Luke-Acts: Troubled Waters

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

A Spirit Borne Community Luke-Acts: Hometown Boy Acts Up

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

A Spirit Borne Community Luke-Acts: What Prophet Hath a Prophet

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Reading Ourselves, Readng John: Twice-Born People

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Reading Ourselves, Reading John: Worshipping "On Location"

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Reading Ourselves, Reading John: Naming the Gains, Counting Our Losses

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Reading Ourselves, Reading John: Discovering Your Passion

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Reading Ourselves, Reading John: How Many Ways to God?

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Spirit Borne Community: Remembering the Story

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Spirit Borne Community: The Perfect Resume

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Spirit Borne Community: Looking and Listening for the Spirit

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Spirit Borne Community: What If Saul Were One of Us?

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Spirit Borne Community: In the Spirit of Elisha

Presenter: Staley, Jeffrey / 1996

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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