Raitt, Jill

Rajan, Fred

Ralhauser, George

Ralph, Michael

Ramos, Michael

Ramshaw, Gail

Randolf, Paula

Rans, Susan

Rask Behling, David

Rasmussen, Larry

Rasmussen, Larry and Darryl Trimiew

Rayapati, Sangeetha

Raymond, George

Raymond, Molle

Reardon, Jeanine and Julie Boleyn

Reed, Laura

Reed, Sam

Reeves, Nancy

Rehbein, Edna

Reitz, Rebecca

Reko, Carl and Ruth

Rerucha-Borges, Nancy

Rerucha-Borges, Nancy and Joe Crookston

Reside, Graham

Retamoza, Manuel

Reumann, Amy

Reuning-Scherer, Jonathan

Reuning-Scherer, Julie

Reuning, Dick and Judy

Reuter, Allen

Rhoads, David

Rhodes, Lynn

Rice, Bill

Rich, Mark

Richter, Andrew

Richter, Don

Richter, Tommie

Rickenbaug, J.

Rickert, Kathryn

Rieke, Jane

Rieke, Vern (Luvern)

Rieke, Vern (Luvern) and Larry Mathre

Rietz, Paul

Riffel, Herman

Riger, Stephanie

Riggs, the

Rimbo, Justin

Rimbo, Robert

Rinderknecht, Jakob

Ring, Marilyn

Ringe, Don

Ringo-Ballou, Bretta

Ringo, Steve

Ristad, Nick

Ritter, Joshua

Roberts, J. Deotis

Robohm, Richard

Rodriguez, Jeanette

Rodriguez, Jose

Roe, Charlie

Roefer, Florence

Roehl, Al

Roehmann, Ludwig

Roetzel, Calvin

Rog, Liz

Rogalsky, Ron

Rogers, Frank

Rogers, Paul

Rogness, Alvin

Rogness, Alvin & Carroll Hinderlie

Rogness, Andrew

Rogness, Nora

Rohde, Paul

Rohde, Paul and Susan

Rois, William

Roll, Mindy

Rosales, Jon

Roschke, David

Rosenberg, John

Rosenberger, Nancy and Clint Morrison

Ross, Elena

Ross, Jillian

Ross, Randy

Rossi, Gail and Jerry Pedersen

Rossi, Robert

Rossing, Barbara

Rossing, Barbara and Kent Burgess

Rossing, Dorothy

Rossing, Tom

Roth, Robert

Roth, Wolfgang

Roumagoux, Sandy

Rowberg, Kathy

Rowe, Cliff

Rowland, Annette

Rubel, Warren

Rude, Brian

Rude, Ron

Rudrud, Don

Ruehle, Sue and Chuck

Ruen, Daniel

Ruether, Herman

Ruether, Rosemary Radford

Rundquist, Howard Wads

Rusher, Jerry and Wanda

Rushford, Pat

Russell, Annemarie

Russo, Don

Rynders, John

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

February 8, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome