Audio Archive

Rayapati, Sangeetha

Sangeetha is on the Voice faculty at Augustana College, Rock Island, IL where she teaches a variety of courses about singing, music, and culture. She’s originally from the east coast, West Chester, Pennsylvania to be exact, but has made her home in the Midwest with husband, Michael and daughters Annika (6) and Karenna (2) since 2001. Walking and biking along the Mississippi rank among her favorite activities outside of work (where she just wrapped up her first publication “Sing Into your Sixties and Beyond!” with Inside View Press), but you might also catch her in an independent film screening or watching British comedies, trying out recipes or planning another home improvement project. Traveling also ranks high on the list of best-loved activities and she’s excited to be in the Northwest again!


Sing Into Your Sixties and Beyond

Presenter: Rayapati, Sangeetha / 2010

Bob, Bono, Beyonce and Beyond: Understanding the Superstar Superhero

Presenter: Rayapati, Sangeetha / 2010

Sing Into Your Sixties and Beyond: Make a Joyful Noise

Presenter: Rayapati, Sangeetha / 2010

LiveAid, Live8, and LiveEarth: What's the Real Impact of Musical Mega-Events?

Presenter: Rayapati, Sangeetha / 2010

Singing with Style: Contemporary Music Styles Primer

Presenter: Rayapati, Sangeetha / 2010

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 14, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome