Audio Archive

Storey, Alan

Alan is an ordained minister of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa and Senior Minister of Calvary Methodist Church, Midland, situated halfway between Pretoria and Johannesburg. Alan’s faithfulness to the peacemaking Christ was tested early in his life when he faced conscription into the apartheid regime’s military. After spending a year of discernment working as a laborer in Australia, he returned to South Africa, declaring he would never fight in the apartheid army – or any army. He was arrested and faced trial with a six-year prison sentence as the likely outcome. Alan’s trial was surprisingly abandoned midway, and he became the last conscientious objector to be tried in apartheid South Africa.
During his theological training at Rhodes University, he was involved in the Gunfree South Africa Campaign that was launched at the time of transition to democracy. After University, Alan was sent to Welkorn, which is known as a conservative mining town that lies in the very center of South Africa. It was here that Alan started the Banna Na Modimo home for destitute children and the Banna Ba Modimo Clinic for people who are homeless. Alan received Rotary’s Paul Harris award as a result of this work. Alan was ordained in 1996 and sent to a small white congregation in Midrand. He built a new church named Calvary and the congregation has quadrupled in size; but more importantly, it has engaged deeply with dwellers in the informal settlements (shanty towns) in the area. Alan himself lived in one of these settlements for two years to identify more deeply with the people there. Calvary has become the most multiracial Methodist congregation in the denomination and is on the cutting edge of reconciliation and justice ministries. The church staff practice a radically different approach to salaries and sharing.
Beyond Calvary Church, Alan helps train Probationer ministers in Diversity Training, and has become well known throughout the Methodist Church for his Manna and Mercy retreats – life changing encounters with the Biblical story. Alan has his Masters in the Philosophy of Applied Ethics from St. Augustine College in SA, with a special focus on economics.


Journey Through the Hebrew Scriptures – Part 1: Born In Love, By Love & For Love

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey Through the Hebrew Scriptures – Part 2: South Africa Today: Exodus/Wilderness

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey Through the Hebrew Scriptures – Part 3: Not Everything Biblical is Christ-Like

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey Through the Hebrew Scriptures – Part 4: Prophets and the Economy

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey Through the Hebrew Scriptures – Part 5: Nationalism After Exile: Flag or Cross?

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey through the New Testament – Part 1: Mary & John as Faithful Witnesses

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey through the New Testament – Part 2: Unlimited Mercy & Manna

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey through the New Testament – Part 3: God Sent Jesus to Love – Not Die

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey through the New Testament – Part 4: Resurrection & Pentecost

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Journey through the New Testament – Part 5: Revelation: The Real World

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2008

Eucharist June 27, 2010

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2010

The Promise of God: Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2010

The Promise of God: God Has No Favorites

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2010

The Misunderstood Promise of God: No One Comes to the Father But By Me

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2010

The Promise of God: God is present even when not mentioned

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2010

The Promise of God: I Have Come That You May Life

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2010

Genocide – Gentleness – God

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2012

Suffering – Sadness – Suicide

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2012

It's About the Economy Stupid!

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2012

Isaiah – John and Jesus' Motivational Speaker

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2012

Jesus' Conflict Resolution – Matt: 18

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2012

Vespers July 16, 2012

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2012

Workweek: Context, Christ, Church

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2015

Workweek: Baptism & Holy Communion

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2015

Workweek: Bible Potluck

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2015

Vespers April 22, 2015

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2015

Eucharist June 25, 2017, "Back to Basics: 1st Principles", (Liturgy by John Hermanson)

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2017

The Widow with Alan Storey

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2017

Reign of Christ: Facing Fascism Faithfully

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2017

Conversation and Confrontation Plus Contemplation

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2017

In the Silence AND in the Earthquake

Presenter: Storey, Alan / 2017

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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