Nadine lived the first half of her life in rural MN and the current half in the Pacific NW. She says the mountains, rocks, music and dance communities in the Northwest feed her body and spirit. Nadine served on staff at Holden Village in the winters 1989 and 1990. It was at the village that she discovered folk music that planted the seed for her trio, Straw into Gold. Since art school, she's spent her work hours teaching private music lessons, writing weaving books, and teaching weaving around the country. Nadine is an Internet radio enthusiast and does dirt therapy in my garden as often as she can.
Audio Archive
Sanders, Nadine
Recent Additions
Vespers September 22, 1974 and Choir Anthem
Vespers January 1, 1975 – New Every Morning
Vespers January 31, 1975 with Paul Logan – Ready Your Sky
Vespers January 28, 1975 with Ted Olson – Anxiety
Vespers January 27, 1975 with Ann Peterson – Obstacle Course
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
October 14, 2024| there are 2302 presenters in the archive | there are 19308 recordings in the archive | welcome