Audio Archive

Rosemary Radford Ruether founding mother of feminist theology has died at 85

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NPR has reported that Rosemary Radford Ruether has died and they have attributed the title of founding mother of feminist theology to her -- and with good reason. She was a feminist forerunner. She traveled widely, mentoring the next generation of leaders and wrote over 500 articles and 30 books. A statement released on behalf of the family says it best.

"Dr. Ruether was a scholar activist par excellence. She was respected and beloved by students, colleagues, and collaborators around the world for her work on ecofeminist and liberation theologies, anti-racism, Middle East complexities, women-church, and many other topics."

"Her legacy, both intellectual and personal, is rich beyond imagining. The scope and depth of her work, and the witness of her life as a committed feminist justice-seeker will shine forever with a luster that time will only enhance."

Holden Village was honored to have her here on our faculty in 1968 and 1986. We are fortunate to have recordings of her sessions in our audio archive as well as her heart-warming reflections of her time here in an article published by the National Catholic Reporter in 1968.

Rosemary Radford Ruether Holden Reflections

Rosemary Radford Ruether Audio Collection