Audio Archive

Wolbrecht, Timothy

Tim is an ordained ELCA pastor; a Washington State licensed counselor, a certified mediator, and a professional transition specialist with over forty years of parish ministry experience in both ordained and non-ordained positions. He is a therapist/counselor, consultant, workshop leader, trainer, and coach assisting individuals, and organizations to reframe problems into opportunities for growth. Tim presently serves the ELCA as an intentional interim pastor and enjoys connecting people & organizations to the future. He also serves the church-at-large by being on the faculty of the Interim Ministry Network (IMN) training pastors from various countries and numerous denominations for interim/transitional ministry. Except for 3 summers and the mine remediation years, Tim and his family have been to Holden Village every year since 1978, and he has served on the summer teaching faculty several times. He was present in the village on May 18, 1980 as a youth director with @200 senior high youth and adults from various congregations throughout the Pacific Northwest when Mt. St. Helens erupted (“We heard it & felt it in the village”).


Thoughts of a Wizened Youth Director

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1980

Ministering and Surviving with Junior Highers

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1980

Living in Peace with Your Adolescents

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1984

Mid-Life Searching

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

The Full-Nest Syndrome

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

The Healthy Family: Myth or Reality?

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

Teenage Depression: Part 1 – The Basics

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

Teenage Depression: Part 2 – Coping

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

Hildegard of Bingen: Part 1

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

Hildegard of Bingen: Part 2

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

Living the Life Stages

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

Adolescent Years

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 1988

In the Village: Change, Anxiety and the Brain with Timothy Wolbrecht

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 2016

Change, Anxiety, and the Brain – Oh My!: Sacred Story

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 2016

Change, Anxiety, and the Brain – Oh My!: Change and Sacred Story

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 2016

Change, Anxiety, and the Brain – Oh My!: Anxiety and the Brain

Presenter: Wolbrecht, Timothy / 2016

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

February 5, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome