Audio Archive

Victorin-Vangerud, Nancy

Nancy Victorin-Vangerud is serving in her 9th year at Hamline University as the University Chaplain and Director of the Wesley Center for Spirituality, Service and Social Justice. Ordained in the United Methodist Church for nearly 30 years, Nancy has served in adult education, youth and retreat ministry, pastoral leadership, and taught theology on the faculty at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. She holds a Ph.D. in Religion and M.Div. from Vanderbilt University. At Hamline, she also teaches adjunct on the Religion faculty. Nancy is passionate about urban agriculture and community gardens–her fruit trees, veggie gardens and berry vines provide holy space and much joy for her family.


Wendell Berry Restoring the Table of Holy Communion

Presenter: Victorin-Vangerud, Nancy / 2017

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

March 14, 2025| there are 2316 presenters in the archive | there are 19581 recordings in the archive | welcome