Audio Archive

Urbrock, Bill

Bill is from the University of Wisconsin Department of Religious Studies in Oshkosh.


Dancing Under the Wings: Part 1 – Women, Men and the Image of God

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Dancing Under the Wings: Part 2

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Dancing Under the Wings: Part 3

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Dancing Under the Wings: Part 4

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Dancing Under the Wings: Part 5

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Suffering Under the Shadow: Part 1

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Suffering Under the Shadow: Part 2

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Suffering Under the Shadow: Part 3

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Suffering Under the Shadow: Part 4

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Suffering Under the Shadow: Part 5

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1985

Thomas Jefferson Religious Liberty and the First Amendment: Thomas Jefferson's Religion

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Thomas Jefferson Religious Liberty and the First Amendment: The Declaration of Independence

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Thomas Jefferson Religious Liberty and the First Amendment: Virginia Statue of Religious Liberty

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Thomas Jefferson Religious Liberty and the First Amendment: Clauses about Religion in the U.S. Constitution

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Thomas Jefferson Religious Liberty and the First Amendment: The Wall of Separation Between Church and State

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Silence, Solitude and Self-renewal: Choosing Solitude

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Silence, Solitude and Self-renewal: Silence — Divine and Human

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Silence, Solitude and Self-renewal: Varieties of Prayer

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Silence, Solitude and Self-renewal: You're Full — Love It!

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Silence, Solitude and Self-renewal: Renewed in Freedom and Love

Presenter: Urbrock, Bill / 1987

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 21, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome