Audio Archive

Splichal Larson, Renee and Taryn Montgomery

Renee Splichal Larson serves as pastor of Heart River Lutheran Church in Mandan, North Dakota that worships on the campus of the North Dakota Youth Correctional Center.
Taryn Montgomery, originally from central Illinois, is a graduate of Texas Lutheran University and The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia.


Dancing the Trinity: Grace, Love, Communion – Session 1 (Women's Retreat)

Presenter: Splichal Larson, Renee and Taryn Montgomery / 2014

Dancing the Trinity: Grace, Love, Communion – Session 2 (Women's Retreat)

Presenter: Splichal Larson, Renee and Taryn Montgomery / 2014

Dancing the Trinity: Grace, Love, Communion – Session 3 (Women's Retreat)

Presenter: Splichal Larson, Renee and Taryn Montgomery / 2014

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 21, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome