Dan Spencer is Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at The University of Montana where he has taught since 2002. He was born and raised in California, and received his M.Div. (1983) and Ph.D (1994) in Christian Ethics from Union Theological Seminary, New York. His book, Gay and Gaia: Ethics, Ecology, and the Erotic, is published by The Pilgrim Press (1996). Raised Roman Catholic and marinated in Luther’s theology of the cross, he was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 1998. He has worked on human rights issues in Latin America since first living there in 1978, and worked for a number of years at the Center for Global Education at Augsburg College. Some of his areas of teaching and research interest include ecological ethics, ethical issues in ecological restoration, and globalization, justice, and environmental issues in Latin America. His commitment to creation care is rooted in a passion for both geology and theology. He wrote on the practice of “Care for Creation” in On Our Way. He calls himself a “liberation geologian” who links social and environmental justice concerns while reveling in the beauty of the Rocky Mountain West.
Audio Archive
Spencer, Dan
Doing Geology in a Revolutionary Situation – Part 1: The Geology of the Holden Area
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1984Doing Geology in a Revolutionary Situation – Part 2: When Glaciers Carved Holden
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1984Lesbians and Gays in the Church – Part 1: Homosexuality and the Bible
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1986Lesbians and Gays in the Church – Part 2: Church, Homophobia and AIDS
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1986Lesbian and Gay Journeys of Faith: Part 3 – The Risks of Reconciliation
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1992Lesbian and Gay Journeys of Faith: Part 4 – Out of Our Tombs, Coming Out into Community
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1992Kinship and Creation: Rethinking Environmental Ethics with Lisa Stone Hazelwood
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1992Ethics and the Earth: The Judeo Christian Tradition Stewardship Ethics
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1996Ethics and the Earth: Humanity in Nature Bioregionalism and Deep Ecology
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1996Lesbian and Gay Journeys of Faith: Out of Our Tombs — Coming Out Into Community
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 1996A Tree Beside the River: Wisdom in the Wilderness – Ecologial Restoration
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 2012A Tree Beside the River: Wisdom in the Wilderness – Toward a Restoration Ethic
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 2012Deep Time — Foundations: The Geological Story of the Pacific Northwest
Presenter: Spencer, Dan / 2016Recent Additions
Vespers June 13, 1975 with Keith Smith – Thru Christ Triumphant over Death
Vespers June 12, 1975 with Stillwater Luther League Annette Hansen – Dream Great Dreams
Vespers June 11, 1975 with Tim Booth – Come to the Dinner!
Vespers June 9, 1975 with Roy and Faye Burnette – Mission in Ecuador
Vespers June 8, 1975 with Alvin Rogness – In Defense of Repetition
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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