Audio Archive

Scribner, Duane

Duane is from Minneapolis. He is a former English teacher and political staff member. In 1983 he was Director of National Programs and Policy Plans for a major retailer.


Heritage of a Dream: A Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

The Perspective of Literature on the Movement

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Nobody Cares in Our Town, Or Do They?

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Ethical and Other Perspectives on the Movement

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

"1984" and Other New Worlds

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Folk Songs of Personal Commitment

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Reading for Perspective and Insight

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Some of My Best Friends Are Politicians

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Hope and Love in "1984" and Beyond

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Folk Songs of Community Commitment

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Five Smooth Stones: Happily Ever After?

Presenter: Scribner, Duane / 1982

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 21, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome