Audio Archive

Schramm, John

John and Mary Schramm have been active in social justice ministry most of their adult lives. They have been partners in marriage for 50 years and partners in ministry during this time. Their concerns for dismantling racism, peace issues, fair trade and other justice issues are reflected in the ministries in which they have been involved through their writing, speaking and lifestyle. They have served churches in Annadale, VA, Washington D.C., Holden Village, Community of St. Martin and Trinity in Minneapolis, and are currently members of Faith Lutheran Church, Leavenworth, WA.
(Bio from summer 2004)


Local Parish: Part 1 – Background

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1970

Local Parish: Part 2 – Renew, Refresh (partial)

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1970

Local Parish: Part 3 – Quest for Community

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1970


Presenter: Schramm, John / 1974


Presenter: Schramm, John / 1974

Vespers June 19, 1974 with John Schramm

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1974

The Contemplative Vision

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Lighten Our Darkness

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Five Sermons (1)

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Six Sermons July 9 – August 27, 1978

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Mission Issues – Part 2: Relation of Church and World

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Discussion of "Religion and Violence" by Robert McAfee Brown – Part 3

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Discussion of "Religion and Violence" by Robert McAfee Brown – Part 4

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Series on Spirituality – Part 3: Nature of Prayer

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Series on Spirituality – Part 4: Contemplation and Meditation

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Four Sermons

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Five Sermons (2)

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Meditation and Contemplative Lifestyle

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978


Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Mission Issues – Part 1: Nature of the Word

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

What Is A Valid Witness? – Part 3: Mission Issues

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Discussion of "Religion and Violence" by Robert McAfee Brown – Part 1

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Discussion of "Religion and Violence" by Robert McAfee Brown – Part 2

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Nature of the Word: Applied to Lifestyle Modification

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Christians & Law: A Discussion of Bussing

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Series on Spirituality – Part 1: Nature of Spirituality

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Series on Spirituality – Part 2: Nature of Prayer

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Community of Christ in Washington, D.C.: With J. Dunstan Hayden

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Holden Lifestyle

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Readings in Non-Violence

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Thomas Merton

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1978

Through Scripture to Scripture

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Six Sermons January 1 – April 8, 1979

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Six Sermons April 15 – July 1, 1979

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Seven Sermons July 15 – August 19, 1979

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Theology of "Enough is Enough"

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Luke 1-2: Christmas Bible Study

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Luke 3-4: Baptism & Temptation

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Luke 4: Missions of Jesus

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

First Steps in Lifestyle Change

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Thomas Merton on Contemplation

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Peace & Non-violence: Part I

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Towards A More Sustainable Society

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Yoder's "The Politics of Jesus" – Part 1

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Sermons (9/5-11/18)

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Yoder's "The Politics of Jesus" – Part 2

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Yoder's "The Politics of Jesus" – Part 3

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Yoder's "The Politics of Jesus" – Part 4

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Yoder's "The Politics of Jesus" – Part 5

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Care of the Earth & Its People

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1979

Four Sermons: "Waiting" "Optimism or Hope" "God's Incarnation"

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Gifts and Grace: A Bible Study

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Liberation Theology

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Theology of the Cross for Good Friday

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980


Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Theology of the Cross – Part 2

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980


Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Paul Among Jews and Gentiles

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Who is this Jesus? Bible Study Luke 1 & 2: Part 1

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Who is this Jesus? Bible Study Luke 1 & 2: Part 2

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Who is this Jesus? Bible Study Luke 1 & 2: Part 3

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

What Does It Mean to Be a Confessing Church Today?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Is Jesus a Political Person?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Facing the 80's: Faith to Go out With Good Courage

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Theology of the Cross – Part 1

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

1 Peter Study

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Satyagraha: Truth Power

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1980

Sermons: September 14, 1980 – February 1 1981

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

Let's Stop Having Bible Studies

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

Beatitudes as Consciousness

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

What is a "Think-With"?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

Sermons: February 22, 1981 – July 19, 1981

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

With Jesus Every Day is Not Nice

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

Corporateness as a Think-With

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

Cross & the Ministry of Jesus

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

The Cross and Our Discipleship

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1981

Six Sermons

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Living the Politics of Hope – Part 2

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Things that Make for Peace

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Sufficiency as a "Think With"

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Five Sermons April 1982 – July 18, 1982

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Tekoa: A Concept for the Development of Communities

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Living Word

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Jeremias' "Sermon on the Mount"

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Pacifism: Just War Debate

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982


Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Five Sermons

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Living Epistles of Hope: Dorothy Day

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

Living the Politics of Hope – Part 1

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

There is No Way to Peace – It Is THE Way

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1982

The Beatitudes and Conversion

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Thomas Merton: Life and Writing

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Six Sermons

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Enough is Enough – Part 2

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Sufficiency as a "Think – With" (1983)

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Religious Orders and Church Renewal – Part 1

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Religious Orders and Church Renewal – Part 2

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Religious Orders and Church Renewal – Part 3

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Sermons July 3, 1983 – October 9, 1983

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Homosexuality: What Does the Bible Say?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

To Be "In Christ"

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Enough is Enough – Part 1

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Do You Want to Be Blessed?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1983

Five Sermons

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1984

Prayer and Private Disciplines

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1984

Religious Orders and Church Renewal

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1984

Final Eucharist: Transitions: Journeys of the People of God with Ray Makeever Liturgist

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1984

Is Meditation Too Complicated?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

The New Monasticism

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

Gentle Justice – Part 2: What About the Church?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

Gentle Justice – Part 4: Thomas Merton – Monk

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

Gentle Justice – Part 5: Power Called Nonviolence

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

The Disarmed Life

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

Contemplation & Global Justice

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

Life in Community: Gentle Justice Spirituality

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

Gentle Justice – Part 1: Let's Stop Having Bible Studies

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1986

New Wine: What about the Old Wineskin? – Part 1: Structured for Mission

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1990

New Wine: What about the Old Wineskins? – Part 2: Think Community

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1990

New Wine: What about the Old Wineskins? – Part 3: Footnote on the Great Commission

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1990

Is Lutheran Spiritual Direction an Oxymoron?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1990

A Disarmed Life: Nonviolence in the New Testament

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1990

Is It Time for a Confessing Movement?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1990

Sermon on the Mount: Part 1 – Early Invitation to the Feast

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1995

Sermon on the Mount: Part 2 – Do You Have to Be Holy?

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1995

Sermon on the Mount: Part 3 – Enough Already!

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1995

Philippians: Part 1 – Living in Grace

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1995

Philippians: Part 2 – Memory and Vision

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1995

Philippians: Part 3 – Dancing Servants

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1995

Philippians: Part 4 – Eucharistic Living

Presenter: Schramm, John / 1995

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

February 5, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome