Barbara Rossing is Professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. She is the author of The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation.
Barbara first came to Holden as waitri in 1973 and also served as Village pastor 1986-88. In 2007 she attended a United Nations World Environment Day conference on “Melting Ice: A Hot Topic” and participate in a Church of Norway pre-conference on climate change.
Audio Archive
Rossing, Barbara
Jesus as Miracle Worker and Prophet: Part 2 – Luke 7: Jesus and Elijah
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1990Jesus as Miracle Worker and Prophet: Part 3 – Luke 13:10-17 and Healing in Africa
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1990Scripture and Authority: Part 1 – What about the New Revised Standard Version?
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1990Scripture and Authority: Part 2 – What about the Gnostic and Aprocryphal Books?
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1990Scripture and Authority: Part 3 – 1 Timothy vs. The Acts of Tecla?
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1990Lifestyles in Luke: Part 3 – Jesus as "Waitri" at the Last Supper
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1990Apocalypse Now: Vilifying Jezebel – Promising Jerusalem Revelation 1 and 2
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1996Voices Excluded from the Bible: Part 2 – Tecla and Apocryphal Acts
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1997Practicing Diversity: How Far Outside the Boundaries Can We Walk?
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1998Ecology & The Bible – Part 3: Ecofeminism, Apocalypse, and the Tree of Life
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1999Ecology & The Bible – Part 4: God's Voice from the Whirlwind – Ecology in the Book of Job
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 1999Meeting Paul Again for the First Time – Part 1: Communities (Romans 16)
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2000Reading the Bible with Multicultural Eyes – Part 1: Revelation and The Millennium: Decade for Nonviolence
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2000Reading the Bible with Multicultural Eyes: Sharing Jerusalem: Palestinians, Israelis, and…
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2000Reading the Bible with Multicultural Eyes: Journey of Reconciliation: The Emmaus Road
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2000Women in the Book of Acts: Dorcas, Lydia, and the Slave Girl: Dorcas, Lydia, and the Slave Girl
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2001Rapture in Reverse: Reading the Book of Revelation so the Earth is not "Left Behind"
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2002Rapture in Reverse: Reading Revelation so No One is "Left Behind"
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2002Meeting Paul Again for the First Time, The Diversity of Pauline Voices in the Next Generation
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2002For the Healing of the World – Part 1: Revelation's Multicultural Vision for a World not "Left Behind"
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2003For the Healing of the World – Part 3: Are you thinking of going to Seminary?
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2003For the Healing of the World – Part 4: For the Healing of the Middle East
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2003The Bible and the Best Sellers – Part 1: Exposing the Rapture and Left Behind
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2004The Bible and the Best Sellers – Part 2: Lamb Power and Nonviolence
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2004The Bible and the Best Sellers – Part 3: Apocalyptic Politics or Rapture in Reverse?
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2004The Bible and the Best Sellers – Part 4: The Da Vinci Code and Mary Magdalene
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2004The Bible and the Best Sellers – Part 5: Beyond Belief and the Gospel of Thomas
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2004Healing the World: Hope for Holy Ground – Part 1: Healing Our Affluenza: End of Empire, End of Oil
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2005Healing the World: Hope for Holy Ground – Part 2: What is Eternal Life? End Times, Sustainability and the "World House"
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2005Healing the World: Hope for Holy Ground – Part 3: The Rapture Exposed
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2005Healing the World: Hope for Holy Ground – Part 4: Jubilee, Property Rights and Takings: Who Owns the Land?
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2005Healing the World: Hope for Holy Ground – Part 5: What Would Jesus Do? Koinonia for the Whole Creation
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2005Are We in WWIII? Ecology and Empire as a Lens for Reading the Apocalypse: Bible as a Manual for the End of the World
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2006Healing the World, Not Destroying It: Affluenza, Jesus' Call, and the Rich Man
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2006Under Heaven: The Promise & Challenge of Heaven in the Bible & Christian History
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2016Radicalizing Out Roots in Scripture: "All Things New" (Revelation 21:5)
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2017Radicalizing Out Roots in the Reformation: "Not for Sale" (500th Anniversary)
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2017Illness, Healing, World-Healing and Disability in the Bible with Barbara Rossing
Presenter: Rossing, Barbara / 2018Recent Additions
Vespers January 31, 1976 with Becky Lomax & Dave Caemmerer – Seeing Nature Through God
Vespers January 30, 1976 with John Rieke – Even Faith Is a Gift
Vespers January 27, 1976 with Brad Brainerd – Affirming the Will of God
Vespers January 26, 1976 with Eric Jorstad – I Will Lift Up My Eyes Unto the Mountains
Vespers January 25, 1976 with Carroll Hinderlie – What Christ is to Us, So We Are to All
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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