Audio Archive

Rasmussen, Larry

Larry was Professor in Social Ethics, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C.
Larry writes, "Nyla and I are new New Mexicans who, after living in the East (Washington, D.C., and New York City) for over 30 years, have lived in Santa Fe since June 2004. We each retired, sort of. Santa Fe (La Villa de Santa Fe) is mountains and sunshine, culture and nature, peoples and the land. For us, paradise. We enjoy the music, the art, the hiking, stimulating conversations and people-watching. And it is good to be back at Holden for more of the same, albeit not in the desert! Some recent writing indicate my ongoing interests: Moral Fragments and Moral Community: A Proposal for Church in Society, and Earth Community, Earth Ethics."
(Bio updated summer 2005)


Faith and Non-violence. Is the Gospel Pacificst?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

Meaning of Worship in 'World Come of Age'

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Life & Thought – Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Life & Thought

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

Faith & Non-violence – Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

Homosexuality: Assorted Christian Responses

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

World Hunger and Biblical Implications

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

World Hunger: Response to Triage & Lifeboat Ethics

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

Vespers June 20, 1975 with Larry Rasmussen – The Once & Future Quasar

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1975

July 4th Oration: Dedication of Miniature Golf Course

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World – Part 2: American Christians' Perspectives on Wealth & Poverty

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World – Part 3: Biblical Images for the Powerful

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World – Part 4: Marks of the Church in a Poor World

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1978

Old Age / New Age – Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1978

Old Age / New Age – Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World – Part 1: Mind-set & Assumptions of the Rich World

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1978

Ironic Pilgrimage: Protestant Ethic to Work Ethic to Consumer Ethic

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1980

Church of the 1980's

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1980

German Confessing Church

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1980

Christian Responses to Wealth and Poverty – Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1980

Christian Responses to Wealth and Poverty – Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1980

Cook's Tour of Recent Theology

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1980

Sermons:'"Confession" and "St. Peter" July 21, 1980

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1980

Energy and Culture: The God Wrestle

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Which Song Is the Lord's Song

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Abortion: The Moral Issue – Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Abortion: The Moral Issue – Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Abortion: The Moral Issue – Part 3

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Singing the Lord's Song: Confidence But Not Security

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Creation Accounts – Surprises: Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Creation Accounts – Surprises: Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1981

Douglas John Hall's "Lighten Our Darkness"

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

A Christian Perspective on War and Peace

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Roman Catholic Bishop's Pastoral Letter on War and Peace

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Reagan, Meese and Moral Tradition

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Jesus on Marriage and Divorce – Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Noah and the Bomb

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Thinking on War and Peace: Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Thinking on War and Peace: Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Thinking on War and Peace: Part 3

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Marx and Marxism: An Introduction

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Ethics: Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

What Is a Metaphor? What Is A Meta For?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Ethics: Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Ethics: Part 3

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Ethics: Part 4

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Christian Ethics: Part 5

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

A Moral Analysis of American Culture

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Abortion: An Open Discussion

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Jesus on Marriage and Divorce – Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1983

Introduction to the Bible: Part 1 – Presuppositions

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1984

Bonhoeffer: What is Christian Patriotism? – Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Bonhoeffer: What is Christian Patriotism? – Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Bonhoeffer: Critics of American Religion Are Right

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Bonhoeffer: What Direction, American Religion?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Jesus and Power: Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Jesus and Power: Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Jesus and Power: Part 3

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Jesus and Power: Part 4

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Double Movement of a New Christian Vitality

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Public Suffering and the Suffering of God

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Ethical Treatment of All Christian Symbols

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

The Revival of the Bible – Differently Read

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

The Jewish Jesus and New Creation – Sort of

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1987

Jesus and Power: Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1990

Jesus and Power: Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1990

Jesus and Power: Part 3

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1990

Jesus and Power: Part 4

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1990

Jesus and Power: Part 5

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1990

Ecology and Ethics: Part 1 – Hey, What's the Problem?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

Ecology and Ethics: Part 2 – Who's on Top When Everybody's on Top?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

Ecology and Ethics: Part 3 – Is God Green?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

Ecology and Ethics: Part 4 – Tree of Life: The Oldest New Symbol

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

Ecology and Ethics: Part 5 – Environmental Racism

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

The Moral State of the Union: Part 1 – Moral Fragments and the American Dream

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

The Moral State of the Union: Part 2 – Society as Market?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

The Moral State of the Union: Part 3 – Can Meat-and-Potatoes People Live in a Freeze-Dried World?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

The Moral State of the Union: Part 4 – What Happened to Traditional Values?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

The Moral State of the Union: Part 5 – How Now, Community?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1993

Spirit-borne Creation: Healing the Protestant Mind

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Spirit-borne Creation: Trees of Life and Resistance

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Spirit-borne Creation: Trees of Death and New Life

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Spirit-borne Creation: The Gifts of Darkness

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Spirit-borne Creation: Water-borne Spirit

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Jubilee and the Sustainable Society: Sweet Betsy and Her Avalanche

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Jubilee and the Sustainable Society: The Human Economy and the Economy of Nature

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Jubilee and the Sustainable Society: Community

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

Jubilee and the Sustainable Society: Samples from around the World

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1996

It Takes a Universe to Raise a Child

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1998

Alice Walker's "The Color Purple" as a Healing Guide

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1998

Christianity's Lost Gospel of Earth: Ascetic Community

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1998

Christianity's Lost Gospel of Earth: Sacramental Communion

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1998

Christianity's Lost Gospel of Earth: Shaping Community

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1998

Christianity's Lost Gospel of Earth: Prophetic/Liberative Practices

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 1998

Deep Christian Traditions as Earth Faith: Mary Knoll Ecological Sanctuary — Philippines

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Deep Christian Traditions as Earth Faith: African Associations of Earthkeeping — Zimbabwe

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Deep Christian Traditions as Earth Faith: The Iona Community — Scotland

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Deep Christian Traditions as Earth Faith: Song of Songs — Fidelity to God Lived as Fidelity

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Ascenticism: Saying Yes and Saying No

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Sacramentalism: The Hymn of the Universe

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Mysticism/Contemplation: Listening to the Heartbeat of God

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Prophetic-Liberative Practices: Power to Redeem Life

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2000

Take Off Your Nikes? Corporate Capitalism Rules

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2005

How Many Shoes?: Asceticism and Consumerism

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2005

What’s Moses Got to Do With It?: Hebrew Bible Ecology

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2005

Put on Your Dancing Shoes!: The Song of Songs and Holy Ground

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2005

The Waters of Life: What's Baptism Got To Do With It?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2005

Topsoil: Why is Cain So Upset?

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Denial of a Diminished Planet

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Doing Time with St. Ambrose and St. Augustine

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Religion's Ecological Phase and the Partnership with Science

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Earth-honoring Faith: Asceticism and Consumerism

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Earth-honoring Faith: The Sacred and the Commodified

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Earth-honoring Faith: Mysticism and Alienation

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Earth-honoring Faith: Prophetic Practices and Oppression

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Earth-honoring Faith: Wisdom and Folly

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Vespers July 9, 2012

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2012

Grandpa's Letter with Larry Rasmussen

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2018

Earth Honoring Faith: Journey of the Universe – Part 1

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2018

Earth Honoring Faith: Journey of the Universe – Part 2

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2018

Earth Honoring Faith: Journey of the Universe – Part 3

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2018

Earth Honoring Faith, Bible and Ethics

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2018

Georgia O'keefe

Presenter: Rasmussen, Larry / 2018

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

March 12, 2025| there are 2316 presenters in the archive | there are 19581 recordings in the archive | welcome