Michael was drafted in the apocalyptic war against Canada when militant American followers of C.S. Lewis wanted to rename Sarnia—Narnia. He was captured and his freedom was obtained through untold treasures. Currently, Michael teaches in the Philosophy Department of St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan where he has just finished designing an interdisciplinary major/minor in “Social Justice and the Common Good.” Michael also serves as the pastor in a shared ministry comprised of a Lutheran and a Presbyterian congregation. When philosophy (explaining why what you do is who you are) and theology (explaining why who you are is not what you do) join together the result is probably not treasure and possibly a cracked pot. Michael is married to Renita Falkenstern and has two adult children, Nathan and Lara.
Audio Archive
Poellet, Michael
The Spirituality of Vocation: Part 1 – What Is Spiritual Formation?
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 1989The Spirituality of Vocation: Part 2 – Heresy of the Protestant Work Ethic
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 1989The Spirituality of Vocation: Part 3 – Idolatry of the Cult of Success
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 1989The Spirituality of Vocation: Part 5 – The Future Isn't What It Used to Be
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 1989Insider's and Outsider's in Mark's Gospel – Part 1: Hearing from Outside
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2000Insider's and Outsider's in Mark's Gospel: Rocky Johnson: Ambiguous Disciple
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2000Insider's and Outsider's in Mark's Gospel: Politics of Food and the Economics of Grace
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2000Insider's and Outsider's in Mark's Gospel: Razing/Raising the Roof
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2000Summoned Out to Be Human – Part 3: Don't Just Read This, Do Something
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2004Tsunamis, Auschwitz and 9/11 – Unholy Ground: The Question of Evil
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2005Job: Standing in Dust and Ashes – Part 1: A Man There Wuz, From the Land of Oz
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2005Job: Standing In Dust and Ashes – Part 4: Take Off Your Shoes or Gird Up Your Loins?
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2005Job: Standing In Dust and Ashes – Part 5: From the Sublime to the Hilarious
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2005Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 1: When Idolized Realities Come Crashing Down – Mt 24:1-3
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 2: This Is the Beginning, Not the End – Mt 24:4-8
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 3: Hope In Times of Lawlessness and Lovelessness – Mt 24:9-14
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 4: Tricks, But No Treats – Mt 24:15-28
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 5: A Whole Lot of Shaking Going On – Mt 24:29-31
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 6: Always Ready for the Imminent, Unknown, Normal Chaos of History – Mt 24:32-44
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 7: The Dangers of a Hopeless Life – Mt 24:45-51
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 8: Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride – Mt 25:1-13
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006Always Advent: Living Between Two Resurrections – Part 9: The Dis-gracing of Grace – Mt 25:14-30
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2006The Treasured Words Of Romans 1:1: Status Quo, Status No, Status Go
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2009The Treasured Words of Romans 1:1: Gospel: The Exception Is the Rule
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2009Yes and No in Romans 7 & 8: What then should we say? That the Law is sin? Rom. 7:7-12
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2010Yes and No in Romans 7 & 8: Who will rescue me from this body of death? Rom. 7:13-25
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2010Yes and No in Romans 7 & 8: Life in the Spirit or by the Spirit or of the Spirit? Rom. 8:1-17
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2010Yes and No in Romans 7 & 8: Can Anything Separate Us From the Love of God? Rom. 8:31-39
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2010"Our Heart is Restless until it Finds its Rest in Thee": Augustine the "Doctor of Grace"
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2010Sola Gratia. Sola Fide: Luther – A Wonderful and Gracious View of God's Justice
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2010Good News for the Poor: Liberation Theology and a Gracious, Cruciform Freedom
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2010The Unforgiven: Debt, Disappointment, and Despair – Matt. 18: 21-35
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2011A Short History of Grace: Full of Grace and Truth: Biblical Words for Grace
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2011A Short History of Grace: Our Heart Is Restless Until It Finds Its Rest In Thee
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2011A Short History of Grace: Sola Gratia, Sola Fides, Solus Christus
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2011Galatians, Theology of the Cross: Those Unnerving Gospel Agitators
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2013Galatians, Theology of the Cross: Evil Eyes and Deceptive/Receptive Ears
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2013Galatians, Practicing a Theology of the Cross: Determining Heirs Before DNA Testing
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2013Galatians: Practicing a Theology of the Cross: Curses, Foiled Again
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2013Galatians, Practicing a Theology of the Cross: UFC Discipleship, the Flesh v. Spirit Cage Match
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2013Galatians, Practicing a Theology of the Cross: Practicing an Impossible Possibility through Fruit
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2013Cruciform Christ, Cruciform God, Cruciform Church: Philippians 2:5-11 – Part 1: When Old Words Have New Meaning
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Cruciform Christ, Cruciform God, Cruciform Church: Philippians 2:5-11 – Part 2: God's Practice of "Downward Mobil"
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Cruciform Christ, Cruciform God, Cruciform Church: Philippians 2:5-11 – Part 3: Will the True God Please Step Down
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Cruciform Christ, Cruciform God, Cruciform Church: Philippians 2:5-11 – Part 4: Jesus' Lordship is No Promotion
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Cruciform Christ, Cruciform God, Cruciform Church: Philippians 2:5-11 – Part 5: The Ups and Downs, the Lefts and Rights of the Cross
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Resurrection Through Death: II Corinthians 5:14-6:2 – Part 1: The Cowboy Version of Justification
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Resurrection Through Death: II Corinthians 5:14-6:2 – Part 2: God's Witness Protection Program
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Resurrection Through Death: II Corinthians 5:14-6:2 – Part 3: Whoosh
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Resurrection Through Death: II Corinthians 5:14-6:2 – Part 4: Gospel Grammar (Reconciliary Prepositions)
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Resurrection Through Death: II Corinthians 5:14-6:2 – Part 5: Let Us Conclude to Finish to End
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2014Let Us Begin to Commence to Start: Beginning As Understanding, Differently
Presenter: Poellet, Michael / 2017Recent Additions
Vespers January 31, 1976 with Becky Lomax & Dave Caemmerer – Seeing Nature Through God
Vespers January 30, 1976 with John Rieke – Even Faith Is a Gift
Vespers January 27, 1976 with Brad Brainerd – Affirming the Will of God
Vespers January 26, 1976 with Eric Jorstad – I Will Lift Up My Eyes Unto the Mountains
Vespers January 25, 1976 with Carroll Hinderlie – What Christ is to Us, So We Are to All
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
March 12, 2025| there are 2316 presenters in the archive | there are 19581 recordings in the archive | welcome