Audio Archive

Pitcher, Alvin

Al was Professor of Social Ethics at the University of Chicago Divinity School for over 22 years and an ordained Baptist minister. He spent five years on the staff of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Martin Luther King, Jesse Jackson and others.
But more importantly, as he said during the introduction to one of his sessions, he was "one for whom Christ had to die and one in whom more or less Christ lived insofar as He was why I was doing what I was doing."
(bio from 1974)


Energy Seminar: Nature

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1972

Four Revolutions

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1972

Vespers: Prodigal Son July 1972

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1972

Black Power

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1972

Black Power

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1972

Revolution a la Mareuse

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1972

On Herbert Marcuse

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1973

The Christian Faith and Racism

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1973

Vespers July 18, 1973 – The Better Portion

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1973

Vespers August 9,1973 – Our Hope

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1973

Where the Wasteland Ends I

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1973

Where the Wasteland Ends II

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1973

Where the Wasteland Ends III

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1973

Hielbroner’s Human Prospect and the Human Situation

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Hielbroner’s Human Prospect and the Human Situation III

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Freedom to Love: Freedom to Express One's Self

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Hielbroner’s Human Prospect and the Human Situation IV

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Hielbroner’s Human Prospect and the Human Situation V

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Hielbroner’s Human Prospect and the Human Situation VI

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Vespers September 11, 1974

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Freedom to Love: Freedom to Relate to Others

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Freedom to Love: Freedom to Perceive

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Sermon: Who Am I?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Faith and The American Dream

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Equality in America: Race Relations in Chicago

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974


Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1974

Faith and the Energy Crisis – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

Faith and the Energy Crisis – Part 3

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

Faith and the Energy Crisis – Part 4

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

The American Vocation – Part I: Rethinking Freedom

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

The American Vocation – Part 2: Rethinking Equality

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

The American Vocation – Part 3: Rethinking Fraternity

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

Nation Under God

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

Liberation Theology

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

Liberation Theology – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

America: What We Are and What We Might Be – Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

America: What We Are and What We Might Be – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

America: What We Are and What We Might Be – Part 3

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

America: What We Are and What We Might Be – Part 4

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

Freedom and/or Bread with Sara Pitcher

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1975

Nuclear Power – Part 1 with L. Bustad, R. McClellan, R. Edmunds

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Nuclear Power – Part 2 with L. Bustad, R. McClellan, R. Edmunds

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

The American Way of Life from a Religious Perspective

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Conservation and You

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

On Being Male and Human

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Bread for the World

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

How to Feed the World

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Church as a Joyful Community

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

The Next 200 Years – Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Free to Attend to Something Significant

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

From the Land of Yoj to the Land of Joy

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Life is a Gift

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Every Day is a Gift

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

The Next 200 Years – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Energy Forum with Rudy Edmund

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976


Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Next 200 Years in American Life: American Life – Future

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1976

Faith, the Church and the Next 200 Years – Summary

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

Energy and Dwindling Natural Resources

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

Faith, the Church and the Next 200 Years – Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

Faith, the Church and the Next 200 Years – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

Faith, the Church and the Next 200 Years – Part 3

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

The Church in the 21st Century – Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

The Church in the 21st Century – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

Energy and the Church

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1977

Energy: Part 1 – A Moral Issue

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

Energy: Part 2 – A Political Issue

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

Energy: Part 3 – A Religious Issue

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

The Church in the Next 200 Years – Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

The Church in the Next 200 Years – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

The Church in the Next 200 Years – Part 3

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

Church as Convenantal Community

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

Church as Convenantal Community

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

Bible Study – 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1978

Public vs. Private: Morality and Habits

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1986

Violent and Nonviolent Approaches to Issues: Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1986

Violent and Nonviolent Approaches to Issues: Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1986

Trying to Be the Body of Christ: Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1986

Beginning with God: Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1989

Beginning with God: Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1989

Why Community?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1989

Trying to Become the Body of Christ

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1989

The Creation Word of God

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1989

So What?: Future of Creation Conference

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1989

The Bible and the Newspaper: Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

The Bible and the Newspaper: Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

The Bible and the Newspaper: Part 4

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

Global Warming

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

Global Warming? A Real Threat?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

The End of An Age: What Will the New Look Like?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

Global Warming, Ozone Depletion: What Can We Do?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

The Ecological Crisis: Economic Theory and Practice

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

Earth Study: Global Warming & Ozone Depletion

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

The Pollution of our Waters with Bruce McLain

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

The Population Explosion & Agriculture

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

Ecology & the Crisis of Western Civilization

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

What is God Saying to Us Through the Earth? Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

What is God Saying to Us Through the Earth? Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

How Can We Care for the Creation?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

Listening to the Earth

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

State of the World

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1990

Preaching for Lent 1991

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1991

What is God Saying? Population Explosion

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

The Environmental Revolution: Part 2 – Challenge Where We Work

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

The Environmental Revolution: Part 4 – Challenge to What We Believe

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

Where is God Speaking?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

What is God Saying? – Part 1: Global Warming, Ozone Depletion

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

Ecological Crisis: Economics – Education

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

Ecological Crisis: What is the Issue?

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

The Environmental Revolution: Part 1 – Challenge to the Church

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1992

The Voice of God: Part 2 – Poverty and Violence

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1993

Creation Communities: Why and How – Part 1

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1993

Creation Communities: Why and How – Part 2

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1993

Voice of God I

Presenter: Pitcher, Alvin / 1993

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 21, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome