Audio Archive

Peterson, Luther

Luther Peterson is a retired parish pastor in Minneapolis.


Jesus, the Poor, and Karl Marx

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

Biting the Hand that Feeds You

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

Does Justification Lead to Justice?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

Alternatives to Non-Violence

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

Political Implications of the Cross

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

What About Agnostics Who Are Caring and Loving? The Good Samaritan

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

Whom Do We Invite?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

The Rich Fool: How Much Security Does One Need?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

The Dishonest Stewart: A Profit-Sharing Plan That Works

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

The Rich Man and Lazarus: Do You See What Christ Sees?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1982

Encountering Unbelief: Part 1

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Encountering Unbelief: Part 2

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Encountering Unbelief: Part 3

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Encountering Unbelief: Part 4

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Encountering Unbelief: Part 5

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Taking Feminism Seriously: Part 1

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Taking Feminism Seriously: Part 2

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Taking Feminism Seriously: Part 3

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Taking Feminism Seriously: Part 4

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Taking Feminism Seriously – Part 5

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1985

Dangerous Liaison: Part 1 – Judah and Tamar

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Dangerous Liaison: Part 2 – Joseph and Potiphar's Wife

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Dangerous Liaison: Part 3 – Samson and Delilah

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Dangerous Liaison: Part 4 – David and Bathsheba

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Dangerous Liaison: Part 5 – Hosea and Gomer

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Ecclesiastes – The Search for Meaning: Part 1 – How Much Fun is Enough?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Ecclesiastes – The Search for Meaning: Part 3 – Sixteen Tons and What Do You Get?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Ecclesiastes – The Search for Meaning: Part 4 – Maybe Crime Pays After All

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Ecclesiastes – The Search for Meaning: Part 5 – Is it Possible I'm Too Wise?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Ecclesiastes – The Search for Meaning: Part 2 – The Fullness of Time

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1989

Are Humans a Weed Species?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

Subduing Mother Earth

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

God in the Chicken Coop

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

Blue Laws and the Greening of the Church

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

Who Cares about the Family Farm?

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

Prophets and Environmental Racism

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

Greening of the Hymnal: Psalm 148

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

God So Loved What? – John 3:16

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

Greening of the Gifts of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

What is the World Coming To? – Revelations 21

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1993

When Our Enemies Get Entirely Out of Hand

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

When the Wrong Man or Woman Wins the Election

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

When We Are Tempted to Make Rash Promises

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

When Our Heroes Are Just Plain Stupid

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

When It Gets as Bad as It Gets

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

Cutting Lose From the System

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

The Weeds

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

The Laborers in the Vineyard

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

The Two Sons

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

The Talents

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 1999

Encountering Disillusionment: Rest, Restoration, and Healing for a Broken World (Some Helps From Isaiah 56-66 ) – Part 1: Spirit Filled Worship – For Those Hooked on Idolatry

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 2003

Encountering Disillusionment: Rest, Restoration, and Healing for a Broken World (Some Helps From Isaiah 56-66 ) – Part 2: True Fasting- For Those Obsessed by Dead Rituals

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 2003

Encountering Disillusionment: Rest, Restoration, and Healing for a Broken World (Some Helps From Isaiah 56-66 ) – Part 3: An Inclusive Community – For Those Who Thought the Church Needed to Be Exclusive

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 2003

Encountering Disillusionment: Rest, Restoration, and Healing for a Broken World (Some Helps From Isaiah 56-66 ) – Part 4: A Vision for Peace – For Those Who Are Weary of Conflict and War

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 2003

Encountering Disillusionment: Rest, Restoration, and Healing for a Broken World (Some Helps From Isaiah 56-66 ) – Part 5: Encountering Suffering

Presenter: Peterson, Luther / 2003

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

March 13, 2025| there are 2316 presenters in the archive | there are 19581 recordings in the archive | welcome