Audio Archive

Olson, Eldon

Eldon is an ordained minister with the Lutheran (ELCA) church. In addition to his years as a pastor, for eleven years he served as the Director of Consultation to Clergy for the ELCA and LCMS of the Northwest. Though officially retired since 2004, he is a Consultant to Denominational Systems (Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian) focusing on healing historically troubled and traumatized congregations, clergy sexual boundaries, and pastoral care to clergy.


The Pastoral Office: Part 1 – Introduction

Presenter: Olson, Eldon / 1988

The Pastoral Office: Part 2 – Stress and Distress

Presenter: Olson, Eldon / 1988

The Pastoral Office: Part 3 – Early Christian Definitions

Presenter: Olson, Eldon / 1988

Biblical Models of Sexuality

Presenter: Olson, Eldon / 1990

Sexuality and Pastoral Counseling

Presenter: Olson, Eldon / 1990

Pastor as a Sexual Person

Presenter: Olson, Eldon / 1990

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 21, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome