Audio Archive

Nagel, Norman

Norman Nagel is Professor Emeritius at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. Previously, he served Valparaiso University (Indiana) as a professor of theology and as dean of the Chapel of the Resurrection. He also served congregations in England, most notably at Westfield House at Cambridge. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Adelaide (Australia), a master’s degree from Concordia Seminary, and a doctorate from the University of Cambridge (England).


Song of Solomon Bible Study

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1969

Vespers – Psalm 8

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1971

Vespers Celebrating the Birth of John the Baptist

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1971

Luther – An Introduction

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1971

Vespers – The Logs in Our Eyes

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1971


Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1971

Vespers: "They Were Amazed"

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Peter Berger's "A Rumor of Angels"

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Peter Berger's "A Rumor of Angels" – Our Case Study of Lutherans

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Vespers: Luke 5:1-11

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Mystery Religions

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Book Discussion: Smoke on the Mountain

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Vespers: Love God & Love Man

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Vespers: Feast of Peter & Paul (Galatians)

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Book Discussion: Smoke on the Mountain

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Vespers: Do You Not Understand Mark 8:14-21

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Vespers: Living in Community

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Book Discussion: Smoke on the Mountain

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1972

Four Loves – C.S. Lewis (1973) – Part 1

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Four Loves – C.S. Lewis (1973) – Part 2

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Four Loves – C.S. Lewis (1973) – Part 3: Affection

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Four Loves – C.S. Lewis (1973) – Part 4: Friendship

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Four Loves – C.S. Lewis (1973) – Part 5: Eros

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers June 26, 1973 – Passive Hope

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers June 27, 1973 – Active Hope

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers June 28, 1973 – Active Hope Grows Out of Passive Hope

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

“Battle for the Mind” by Wm Sargent I

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

“Battle for the Mind” by Wm Sargent IV

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

“Battle for the Mind” by Wm Sargent V

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

“Gospel of Baptism” by R. Jung Kunst III

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers July 29, 1973 – Mark 16 — Followed by Paul Manz’ Choir Anthem “En So Lord Jesus Quickly Come”

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Gospel of Mark – Discussion tidbits

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Gospel of Mark – Beginnings

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

The Demonic in the Gospel of Mark

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Gospel of Mark – Turning Points

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers July 2, 1973

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers July 9, 1973 – Jesus’ Way

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers July 15, 1973 – God’s Name

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers July 22, 1973 – Luther’s Christmas Sermon

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers July 24, 1973 – Jeremiah’s Boiling Point

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers July 29, 1973 – They Were Afraid

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Vespers August 4, 1973 – Goodbyes

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1973

Prophesy: Part 1 – Speaking the Word of the Lord

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Marriage — Reveling in Our Failure

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Ideas of Marriage

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Christian Marriage

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Marriage — Alternative Lifestyles – Discussion with Al Pitcher and Dan and Nancy Cook

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Thessalonians – Rejoicing!

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Thessalonians – The Gospel May Not Be Hindered

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Thessalonians – All Together, One Church

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Thessalonians – The Second Coming

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Thessalonians – With All His Saints

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Prophesy: Part 2 – Joel

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Prophesy: Part 3 – Daniel

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Prophesy: Part 5 – Eschatology. The Clarification of Power & Grace

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Satan: The Word Against Us

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Satan: Zachariah’s Vision. Man Before God

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Satan: The Devil in Dostoevsky

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Satan: The Devil in The Exorcist

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Prophesy: Part 4 – Lindsey "The Late, Great Planet Earth"

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Vespers June 30, 1974 with Norman Nagel

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Vespers July 10, 1974 with Norman Nagel

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Vespers July 21, 1974 with Norman Nagel

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1974

Epistle to the Galatians

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

How Modern Should Your Theology Be: Discussion based on the book by Thielicke

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

Lord's Prayer – Part 4: Review of the Book by Jeremias

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

Active & Passive Hope: Knowledge

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

Understanding Miracle Stories (Miracle of Jesus): Stilling Stories of the Storm (gospel)

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

Reliability of the Gospels: 1. The Gospels; 2. Bible, the Gospels

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

End of All Things: 1. Eschatology 2. Prophecy

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

Lord's Prayer – Part 1: Review of the Book by Jeremias

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

Lord's Prayer – Part 3: Review of the Book by Jeremias

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1976

Lord's Prayer – Part 2: Review of the Book by Jeremias

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

Luke (1977) – Part 2

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

The Four Loves: C. S. Lewis – Part 1

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

The Four Loves: C. S. Lewis – Part 2

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

The Four Loves: C. S. Lewis – Part 3

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

Staff Bible Study: On Predestination

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

Luke (1977) – Part 1

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

John the Baptism: Luke 7: 18-35

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

Vespers: How Many Crosses?

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

Parables – Part 1: Thielicke's "The Waiting Father"

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

Parables – Part 2: Thielicke's "The Waiting Father"

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1977

Pentecost Bible Study – Part 1

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Pentecost Bible Study – Part 2

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Pentecost Bible Study – Part 3

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Parables: Thielicke's "Waiting Father" – Part 3

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Parables: Thielicke's "Waiting Father" – Part 4

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Parables: Thielicke's "Waiting Father" – Part 5

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Names – A Bible Study

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

The Trinity – A Bible Study

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Parables: Thielicke's "Waiting Father" – Part 6

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1979

Luke: Top to Bottom – Part 1

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1982

Luke: No Atoms

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1982

Luther's Treatise on Christian Liberty

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1982

C.S. Lewis Introduction: "God in the Dock"

Presenter: Nagel, Norman / 1982

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

March 12, 2025| there are 2316 presenters in the archive | there are 19581 recordings in the archive | welcome