Audio Archive

Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez

David began teaching at Holden in 1979 after returning home from two years of work among South African churches. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago Divinity School, ordained by African Christians, and an ELCA pastor. David is married to Maria Jimenez, a Spaniard and ordained deacon of the Episcopal Church. Working together, they have developed the world’s busiest maritime ministry at Seafarers’ House in South Florida’s Port Everglades. This ecumenical cooperation among Christians, Jews and Muslims cares for cargo and cruise ship crew who live where they work in order to support their loved ones far away.
David knew Steve Biko, the black South African leader beaten to death in 1978 while held without charge in police custody. In the weeks that followed, David gathered Steve’s banned writings and got them smuggled out of the country for a book that has been published in five languages and called “likely to remain one of the most important collections of political essays in the history of South Africa, if not the continent.” He served as lead consultant for a film on the Afrikaner prophet, Dr. Beyers Naude, nominated for an Academy Award as “Best Documentary.”


Doing More Ministry with Less Money

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1996

Welcoming the Stranger: Theology of Hospitality

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1996

Church in the Workplace

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1996

Law or Gospel? Church and Seafarers Rights

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1996

That They May Be One: Practical Workshop on Eccumenism

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1996

Mission Promise: Africa's Unclaimed Gift to Us

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1996

Climb Boldly: Finding God Out on a Limb — Foreign Faces of Faith

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1999

Climb Boldly: Finding God Out on a Limb — Ministry at Seafarers' House Port Everglades, Florida

Presenter: Mesenbring, David and Maria Jimenez / 1999

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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