Audio Archive

Mattison, Judie

Judie attended Northwestern Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. She is an author and poet. She was Director, Social Ministries Richfield Lutheran Church.


Drinking Problems: Family, Friends and Courage

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1980

First Steps in Lifestyle Change

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1980

Every Person Counts

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

I'm Worried about Your Drinking

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

The Ups and Downs of Parenthood

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

Is It OK to Be Who I Am? – Part 1

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

Change: A Dramatic Reading

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

Poetry for Teens

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

Is It OK to Be Who I Am? – Part 2

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

The Emotions of Divorce

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1982

Alcoholism – Feelings and Family

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1983

Dealing with Divorce

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1985

Dorothy Day: Dynamic Leader

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1985

Prayer: Resources and Reflections

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1985

Help Me Adapt, Lord: Living More Simply

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1985

A Poet's Journey

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1985

Dorothy Day: A Pioneer in Serving the Poor

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1989

A Poet's Journey: Life is Good, Life is Hard

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1989

Personal Perspectives on Divorce

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1989

Ordained Women in Ministry: One Story

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1989

Divorce: Pain and Healing

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1995

Elie Wiesel: "Night" and the Holocaust

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1995

Divorce: Pain and Healing

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 1995

Facing Hate: Reflections of Elie Wiesel, Part II

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2000

Facing Hate – Part 1: Reflections of Elie Wiesel

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2001

Life Is Good, Life Is Hard (2001): A Poet's Journey

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2001

Divorce (2001): The Pain & the Healing

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2001

Alcoholism: How It Affects Us All

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2001


Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2011

Themes in Mark

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2011

Themes in Mark: Insiders and Outsiders

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2011

Themes in Mark: Secrets – All Over the Place!

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2011

Themes in Mark: What? That's the End?

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2011

Vespers September 12, 2011

Presenter: Mattison, Judie / 2011

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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