Audio Archive

Martin, Thomas W.

Tom (Thomas W.) grew up in Nebraska, did graduate work in the UK, is an ordained Lutheran pastor and is Associate Professor of Religion at Susquehanna University. He specializes in New Testament, Environmental Ethics and Science and Religion courses.


Models of God Drawn from Evolutionary Theory and Cosmology

Presenter: Martin, Thomas W. / 2017

Ecology and Self-Formation in Built Environments

Presenter: Martin, Thomas W. / 2017

The New Testament and De-Centering Anthropocentrism

Presenter: Martin, Thomas W. / 2017

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

September 7, 2024| there are 2302 presenters in the archive | there are 19229 recordings in the archive | welcome