Audio Archive

Lowe, Mary

Mary received her B.A. from Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington; her M.Div. from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota; and her PhD from Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.
She is Associate Professor at Augsburg University. Her current research focuses on new understandings of the human person with special attention to the doctrine of sin, the image of God, and human sexuality.


God and God/dess: Male and Female Images of the Divine

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Humanity as Female & Male: Christian Anthropology from a Feminist Perspective

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Doctrine of Sin & Feminist Theology: Pride & Powerlessness

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Feminist Critique of Traditional Views of Jesus Christ

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Recent Feminist Alternatives to Traditional Views of Jesus Christ

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Exploring Theology Through Hymns: Images of God

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Exploring Theology Through Hymns: Images of Jesus

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Exploring Theology Through Hymns: The Saving Work of Jesus

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Exploring Theology Through Hymns: Sin & Forgiveness

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Exploring Theology Through Hymns: Heaven & Hell

Presenter: Lowe, Mary / 1999

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 21, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome