Audio Archive

Lagerquist, DeAne

DeAne teaches religion and American studies at St. Olaf College. She helped lead St. Olaf’s Global Semester traveling the world with 28 students along with her husband Wrick and son Thomas.


Blessed Are They: Part 1 – Lucretia Mott

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

Blessed Are They: Part 2 – Amanda Smith

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

Blessed Are They: Part 3 – Vida Scudder

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

Blessed Are They: Part 4 – Dorothy Day

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

Blessed Are They: Part 5 – Pauli Murray

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

Attitudes Toward Women: 2000 Years of Christianity

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

In Their Own Language: Part 1 – African Women's Theology

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

In Their Own Language: Part 2 – Asian Women's Theology

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

In Their Own Language: Part 3 – Latin American Women's Theology

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1989

The Congregation as Shaper of Identity

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1990

Christian Vocation & Calling: Do You Live to Work or Work to Live?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1990

What is Woman That You Are Mindful of Her?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1990

Women in the Church: By Faith Sara

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1990

Pentecost or Babel: Language in the Church

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1991

Reflections on the Image of God

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1991

Americans: Many or One?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1992

Feminist Christianity: Oxymoron?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1993

Lutherans in the USA: Who Have We Been?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1993

American Religious Women: What Is Our Past?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1993

Spirituality: Some Lutheran Resources

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1993

2000 Years of Women in the Church

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1993

Christianity and Community: Part 1 – Early Christianity

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

Christianity and Community: Part 2 – Monasticism

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

Christianity and Community: Part 3 – The Amish

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

Christianity and Community: Part 4 – The Shakers

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

Christianity and Community: Part 5 – Base Christian Communities

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

The Lost Coin: Rejoice with Me

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

Lutheran Resources for Spirituality

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

Living Together: Christianity and Community

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1995

Friends of God: Part 1 – Perpetua, a Martyr

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1997

Friends of God: Part 2 – Ignatius, a Soldier

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1997

Friends of God: Part 3 – Jubilee Saints

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1997

Friends of God: Part 4 – Teresa, A Reformer

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1997

Friends of God: Part 5 – Hauge a Lay Preacher

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1997

Bearing the Fruit of the Tree: Eschatological Community

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1999

Bearing the Fruit of the Tree: Hospitality – The Oaks of Abraham & Zachaeus's Sycamore

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1999

Bearing the Fruit of the Tree: Monastic Community – Tools for Cultivating

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1999

Bearing the Fruit of the Tree: Lutheran Community – Planted by a Stream

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 1999

Called by Our Inheritance: Have I Been Called?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2000

Called by Our Inheritance: Is It Just a Job?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2000

Called by Our Inheritance: Neighborly Responsibility

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2000

Called by Our Inheritance: How Can I Decide?

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2000

Called by Our Inheritance: Learning to Hear from Our Ancestors in Faith

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2000

Why Work? Dorothy Sayers on Vocation

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2000

Christians in the Wilderness: Cultivating the Garden

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2002

Christians in the Wilderness: Near the Sacred

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2002

Holy Ground, Sacred Place, Promised Land

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2005

Globalized Christianity: Then and Now

Presenter: Lagerquist, DeAne / 2008

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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