Audio Archive

Kanyoro, Musimbi

Musimbi received her BA in Linguistics and Religious Studies at the University of Nairobi, Kenya and her MA and Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of Texas. She was Visitng Scholar in Hebrew, Greek and Exegesis at Harvard Divinity School. She received her Doctor of Ministry from San Francisco Theological Seminary.
Musimbi was Executive Secretary for Women in Church and Society with Lutheran World Federation in Geneva Area, Switzerland. She was General Secretary [CEO] World YWCA, Geneva Area, Switzerland, the first non-white woman to hold the role. Transformed the World YWCA into a young-women-led organization, with young women under 30 making up 55% of the Global Board of trustees. She also became Director of Population and Reproductive Health with the David and Lucile Packard Foundation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Musibmbi followed as President & CEO of Global Fund for Women.


One Hope, One Gospel, Diverse Cultures

Presenter: Kanyoro, Musimbi / 1997

The Bible and the Church in Africa

Presenter: Kanyoro, Musimbi / 1997

We Are Made Strangers: Things that Divide Us

Presenter: Kanyoro, Musimbi / 1997

Rebuilding Relationships

Presenter: Kanyoro, Musimbi / 1997

The Will to Arise

Presenter: Kanyoro, Musimbi / 1997

Groaning in Faith

Presenter: Kanyoro, Musimbi / 1997

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

March 14, 2025| there are 2316 presenters in the archive | there are 19581 recordings in the archive | welcome