Audio Archive

Jordan, Glenn

Glenn is a native of Bray in Co Wicklow in Ireland and has been living in Northern Ireland since 1987. For 15 years he has worked on Skainos Square, a transformative urban regeneration project in the inner city of Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is currently pursuing doctoral studies in Isaiah looking at the issue of imagination and community transformation.


Planting Sequoias with Glenn Jordan

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2017

Imagination and the Bible: Telling, Re-telling and Retelling Again the Story of Exodus and Manna

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2017

Imagination and the Bible: Reading the Prophets for the Transformaton of our Community

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2017

Imagination and the Bible: Reading Between the Lines of the Story of the Sacrifice of Isaac

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2017

Border Crossings with Ruth: Reflections on the Text with Glenn Jordan

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2018

Border Crossings with Ruth – Part 1

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2018

Border Crossings with Ruth – Part 2

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2018

Border Crossings with Ruth – Part 3

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2018

Border Crossings with Ruth: Reflections on the Text – Part 1

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2018

Border Crossings with Ruth: Reflections on the Text – Part 2

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2018

Border Crossings with Ruth: Reflections on the Text – Part 3

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2018

Eucharist August 11, 2019

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

Re-examining Biblical Stories with Glenn Jordan

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

What's the Use of Ruth?

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

Crossroads Decisions

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

The Challenge of Vulnerable Lives

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

Who Is Family?

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

The Political Importance of Compassion

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

The Good Samaritan – and the Dilemma of Mercy

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

The Burning Bush – and the Sting of Disappointment

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

Jericho's Walls – and the Sense of Vulnerability

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

Ruth and Boaz – and the Politics of Compassion

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

The Prodigal Son – and the Challenge of Reconciliation

Presenter: Jordan, Glenn / 2019

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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