Audio Archive

Iseminger, Leroy

Leroy attended the Lutheran Bible Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota and graduated from Augsburg College in Sioux Falls, South Datoka. He graduated from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. He served as pastor to a number of rural congregations in South Dakato and later in Chicago where he received his Masters in Theology from the Chicago Theological Seminary. He served a number of congregations through the years and received his Doctorate of Ministry from Luther Seminary focusing his dissertation on rural congregations and why some thrive while others do not. He organized and served a prison congregation in South Dakota for ten years.


Prison Ministry: The Congregational Model

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: Prison Congregations of America

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: The Death Penalty

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: The Invisible Prison Inmate — W.A.I.T

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: Family Connection, Hospitality House

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: Biblical Perspective on Prison Abolition

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: Prison Restoration vs. Retributive Justice

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: Victim Offenders Reconciliation Program

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: What on Earth Does Salvation Mean?

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 1999

Prison Ministry: An Alternative to Prison Chaplins

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Prison Ministry: We Are Prisoners Too

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Prison Ministry: Man to Man, Woman to Woman with Carl Foss

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Prison Ministry: What on Earth Does Salvation Mean?

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Isaiah 43 – Part 1

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Isaiah 43 – Part 2 (September 11, 2001)

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Isaiah 43 – Part 3

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Isaiah 43 – Part 5

Presenter: Iseminger, Leroy / 2001

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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