Audio Archive

Hermanson, John

Songwriter/composer/liturgist John Hermanson grew up in Bozeman, Montana and graduated from St. Olaf College in 1993 with a self-designed Interreligious Dialogue major. He is a member of the acoustic duo Storyhill and co-owner of Egg Music, a music house specializing in creating original music for film, TV, advertising, and public art. Egg Music produces the acclaimed short film series Motion Poems, now in its eighth season. John has composed a large and growing catalog of liturgical and worship music. His latest album, Isaiah, draws from the books of Isaiah and Micah. In 2010 Hermanson composed a liturgy called, “Is This the Feast of Victory?,” rooted in the traditional Lutheran liturgy, that has been used by a variety of worship communities around the country.


Holden Fireside Concert with John Hermanson July 11, 2017

Presenter: Hermanson, John / 2017

Fireside Concert July 24, 2018

Presenter: Hermanson, John / 2018

Selections from John Hermanson's Fireside Concerts in the Village July 2018 and 2019

Presenter: Hermanson, John / 2018

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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