Shauna Hannan is Professor of Homiletics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. Dr. Hannan received her Ph.D. in Practical Theology (Homiletics) from Princeton Theological Seminary. She is the author of The Peoples’ Sermon: Preaching as a Ministry of the Whole Congregation (Fortress, 2021) and co-editor of Eco-Lutheranism: Lutheran Perspectives on Ecology. Her other published work can be found in Word & World, Dialog, Currents in Theology and Mission, Journal of Lutheran Ethics, The Christian Century, New Proclamation, Sundays & Seasons and on She recently received a Certificate in Creative Writing from the University of California Berkeley Extension and is currently co-authoring a book with a filmmaker that focuses on how the craft of filmmaking can serve the craft of preaching. Hannan has been an ordained pastor in the ELCA since 1998
Audio Archive
Hannan, Shauna
Recent Additions
Vespers January 31, 1976 with Becky Lomax & Dave Caemmerer – Seeing Nature Through God
Vespers January 30, 1976 with John Rieke – Even Faith Is a Gift
Vespers January 27, 1976 with Brad Brainerd – Affirming the Will of God
Vespers January 26, 1976 with Eric Jorstad – I Will Lift Up My Eyes Unto the Mountains
Vespers January 25, 1976 with Carroll Hinderlie – What Christ is to Us, So We Are to All
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Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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