Audio Archive

Gehrke, Ralph

Ralph Gehrke was Professor of Religion at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington.


Genesis 1-11: Part 1 – The Seven Great Masterpieces of God

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 2 – In God's Image

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 3 – The Gifts that Make Us Truly Human

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 4 – The Deviations that Make Us Human

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 5 – Living Our Lives Excluded from Paradise

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 6 – Our Social Relationship to God

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 7 – Attempts at Social Reform in Ancient Israel

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 8 – How Our Creator Blesses the Family of Man

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 9 – How Our Creator Deals with Our Attempts to Become Superhuman

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 10 – The Flood: Surviving the Catastrophe

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Genesis 1-11: Part 11 – Living our Lives as an Endangered Species after the Flood

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Social Reform in Ancient Israel: Part 1 – Year of Jubilee

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Social Reform in Ancient Israel: Part 2 – Naboth's Vineyard

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Social Reform in Ancient Israel: Part 3 – Amos the Prophet

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Social Reform in Ancient Israel: Part 4 – Jeremiah

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Social Reform in Ancient Israel: Part 5 – The Old Testament Promis of Social Justice

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1978

Social Justice in Ancient Israel

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1984

Genesis: Part 1 – The Creator's Seven Masterpieces Genesis 1:1 – 2:4a

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1984

Genesis: Part 2 – Humans Living with Humans

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1984

Genesis: Part 3 – Cultural Achievements of God's Human Co-Creators

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1984

Genesis: Part 4 – Many Different, Widely Scattered Peoples, But Only One Human Family

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1984

Genesis: Part 5 – Humanity's Unity and Disunity

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1984

Genesis 1-11: Part 1 – The Wonderful World in Which We Live

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 2 – The Creator's Gifts that Make Us Human

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 3 – Trouble in the Garden of Joy

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 4 – Cain and Abel

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 5 – Humankind's Cultural Achievements

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 6 – Humankind's Family Tree

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 7 – The Sons of the Gods and the Giants

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 8 – The Great Flood

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 9 – Noah and His Sons

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Genesis 1-11: Part 10 – The Tower of Babel

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1990

Ezekiel's Vision and Call: Ezekiel 1-3

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Ezekiel's Bizarre Symbol: Ezekiel 4-5

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Ezekiel's Vision of Jerualem's Fall

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

A Hawkish Prophet's Pro-Tyrant Politics

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Ezekiel and Israel's History of Abominations

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Ezekiel and Disputed Doctrines: Ezekiel 18

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

How Ezekiel Rewrote His People's History: Ezekiel 20

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Ezekiel and the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Syria: Surprising Land of Biblical Antiquities

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Ezekiel and Gog from Magog: Ezekiel 38-39

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Ezekiel and a New, Pollution-Free Temple for Restored Exiles

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1991

Archaeology and the Bible: Part 1 – Buried Cities and Collected Scrolls

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1994

Archaeology and the Bible: Part 2 – Pre-Israelite Palestine

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1994

Archaeology and the Bible: Part 3 – Ancient Israel's Golden Age

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1994

Archaeology and the Bible: Part 4 – New Testament Archaeology

Presenter: Gehrke, Ralph / 1994

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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