Audio Archive

Gallegos, Norma

Norma believes in families. Her entire professional life has been dedicated to building strong families in the Hispanic & Anglo community in Wenatchee, WA. Norma has been the Family & Community Involvement Coordinator for Head Start for the past 15 years. Norma is the daughter of Mexican immigrants from Michocan who settled in Kansas in the 70’s. She and her siblings attended Catholic schools & continue to have a close & supportive family. Her family has weathered extraordinary hardships in the past 4 years with the early death of her mother & the murder of her brother. Norma’s family believes that family & community support has been essential during these difficult times. Norma is active in her community serving on the Wenatchee YMCA, Children’s Advocacy Center, police advisory board, and Kiwanis boards. Norma is the mother of 3 beautiful teenagers and a grandmother of a gorgeous star.
Norma cree en Familias. En su vida profesional se a dedicado a fortaleser familias entre Hispanos y Anglos en la comunidad de Wenatchee, WA. Norma es la coordinadora de envolvimiento de familias y de la comunidad en Head Start por 15 anos. Norma es hija de inmigrantes mexicanos que se establecieron en Kansas es los 70’s. Ella su hermanos asistieron a escuelas Católicas y continuaron un gran apoyo familiar. Su familia ah pasado por momentos difíciles extraordinarios en los últimos 4 años la muerte de su madre y asesinato de su hermano. La Familia de Norma cree que el apoyo de familia y de la comunidad ha sido esencial durante estos momentos difíciles. Norma se mantiene activa en la comunidad como miembra de las siguientes meses directivas: Wenatchee YMCA, Centro de Apoyo para Niños, Asesor de Policía, y Kiwanis de Centro. Norma es la madre de 3 jovencitas bellas y abuela de una estrella preciosa.
(Bio from summer 2004)


Family Values – Part 1: Our Family Story

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2004

Family Values – Part 2: Getting Involved in Your Child's World

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2004

Family Values – Part 3: Keeping Our Families Safe

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2004

Family Values – Part 4: Coping With Stress

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2004

Family Values – Part 5: How to Take Better Care of Myself

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2004

Valores de Familia / Family Values: Manejando el Estress / Coping with Stress (Spanish)

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2005

Nuestra Historia de Familia / Our Family Story

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2005

Getting Involved in Your Child's World / Participando en el Mundo de Su Hijo (Spanish)

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2005

Educacion para Padres

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2010

Padres con Amor y Logica (Abriendo Caminos)

Presenter: Gallegos, Norma / 2011

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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