Audio Archive

Frerichs, Jonathan

Here are some short facts. Significant Others include my wife Marian and two children who are now young adults (all Holdenites), plus five siblings and friends old and new from living in various parts of the world. Resides in Geneva, Switzerland. Works at step-by-step progress toward big goals that serve pretty much everyone ('global public goods' is one way to categorize these) — e.g. inching toward the future where people and governments have turned their back on the last 70 years and embraced the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons; getting churches not to invest in the occupation of Palestinian territory one company at a time. Makes music as a member of a parish choir that is led by a wonderful minister of world Christian music, Terry MacArthur. Moved by the movie 'The Life of Others', a story about life in East Germany. Influenced by the book 'Long March to Freedom', Nelson Mandela's autobiography. Educated mostly by life but supplemented with short interludes at University of Michigan, Augsburg College and St. Peters Lutheran College, and with regular but shorter interludes in Bible studies and in seminars and field trips for international affairs, humanitarian, historical and cultural purposes.


The Middle East: Part 1 – Hollywood and Holylands

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

The Middle East: Part 2 – Basic Facts and Background

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

The Middle East: Part 3 – Image News and Image Policies

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

The Middle East: Part 4 – Fundamentalism vs. Faith

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

The Middle East: Part 5 – Middle East Witness

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

Mt. Kilimanjaro: An African Trophy

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

Mont Blanc: 200 Years of Alpinism

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

Mt. Olympus on Cyprus: A Much-Invaded Isle's Highest Peak

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

The Middle East: Series Summary – Image and Witness

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1992

Meet Christ's Cousins: Planted Faith Blooms

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

Christians and Justice in the Middle East: Part 1 – Family at Risk

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

Christians and Justice in the Middle East: Part 2 – The Media's Key Role

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

The Middle East: Your Taxes, Tithes and Peace to Come

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

The World Is with Us at the Banquet: Part 1 – Meal, Oil, Rwanda and Peru

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

The World Is with Us at the Banquet: Part 2 – The Kingdom Comes

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

The World Is with Us at the Banquet: Part 3 – Warm Quilts and Quiet Revolutions

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

The World Is with Us at the Banquet: Part 4 – The Beatitudes and the Evening News

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1995

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 1 – When Lutherans Were Refugees

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 2 – In Angola, Where the Cold War Is Still Hot

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 3 – The 1950s Discover the World (A)

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 4 – The 1950s Discover the World (B)

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 5 – In Rwanda, Between Genocide and Hope

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 6 – In Palestine

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 7 – In India, Where Women Are Changing the World

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Glimpses of God among Strangers: Part 8 – 50 Years of the Great Commandment

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1997

Hurricane Mitch: Tree of Power

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1999

Kosovo: Tree of Exile

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1999

North Korea: Tree of Silence

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1999

Woman's West Africa: Tree of Dignity

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1999

True Tales of Life & Survival: In the Mountains of Papea New Guinea

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 1999

Holy Land Wilderness – Part 1

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Holy Land Wilderness Part 2

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Holy Land Wilderness Part 3

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Holy Land Wilderness Part 4

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Deep Wilderness Today: The Wellbeing or Wilderness in your Cup of Coffee

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Mountain Stories Part 1: Kilamanjaro, The African Trophy

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Mountain Stories Part 2: Lakota Trail: Mountain Warfare

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Mountain Stories Part 3: Mont Blanc: 200 Years of Alpine

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Mountain Stories Part 4: Andes Alive: the World's Deepest Canyon

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Mountain Stories Part 5: Patagonia and Other Stories

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2002

Forum on Iraq Today (2003)

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2003

The Holy Land – Part 1: What Eyes Can See and Hearts Can Hope

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2006

The Holy Land – Part 2: Five Commandments for Understanding the Conflict in the Holy Land

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2006

The Holy Land – Part 3: Trust Middle East Peace in the Human Heart

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2006

The Holy Land – Part 4: Doers of Justice in Israel and Palestine

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2006

The Holy Land – Part 5: Taking the Path to Peace in the Holy Land on Christmas

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2006

Ultimate Weapon or the Guinness World Record for Crazy

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

Revisiting Doomsday (It Never Went Away)

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

"It's Your Money?" Welcome to the Atomic Audit

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

Let Us Be Nuclear Free

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

Global Hotspots and the Journey of Just Peace. God's Yes and Our . . . ? Hope in the Holy Land

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

Global Hotspots and the Journey of Just Peace. God's Yes and Our . . . ? Fear in the Holy Land or Peace Among Peoples (Including Us)

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

Global Hotspots and the Journey of Just Peace. God's Yes and Our . . . ? Journey of Just Peace. We are Welcome

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

Columbia's Courageous Congregations

Presenter: Frerichs, Jonathan / 2010

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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