Audio Archive

Berkedal, Carla

Carla is an Episcopal priest in Seattle and was instrumental in obtaining approval of the Episcopal Archdiocese to establish Earth Ministry, a ministry devoted to environmental issues and reaching into the religious community.


Our Fellowship with Creation

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

Earth: Bright and Dark Sides of Christian Perspectives

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

Wilderness: Bright and Dark Sides of American Experience

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

Contemporary Christian Ecospirituality

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

Ecospirituality Grounded in the Gospel

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

Environmental Ministry in the Parish

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

Liturgy as Embodiment of Spirtuality

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

The Rule of Life and Witness

Presenter: Berkedal, Carla / 1991

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 21, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome