Ben grew up in small mid-western town in Minnesota. He earned a Bachelor's degree from Luther College, Decorah, IA; a Master of Arts degree from the College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota; and a Master of Arts degree from Yale University Divinity School, New Haven, CT.
He taught on the mission field of Papua-New Guinea.
Ben's focus has been on promoting and leading health programs for a number of healthcare systems including Operation Access, a non-profit health organization that by 2013 has mobilized a network
of 1400 medical volunteers, 40 hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers, and 18 medical groups from across 7 San Francisco Bay Area counties to provide donated outpatient surgical care and specialty services to low-income, uninsured people.
Audio Archive
Aune, Ben
A Christian Lifestyle in an Age of Anxiety: Part 2 – Stress and Well-being
Presenter: Aune, Ben / 1980A Christian Lifestyle in an Age of Dependency: Part 1 – People, Things and Chemicals
Presenter: Aune, Ben / 1980Recent Additions
Vespers January 31, 1976 with Becky Lomax & Dave Caemmerer – Seeing Nature Through God
Vespers January 30, 1976 with John Rieke – Even Faith Is a Gift
Vespers January 27, 1976 with Brad Brainerd – Affirming the Will of God
Vespers January 26, 1976 with Eric Jorstad – I Will Lift Up My Eyes Unto the Mountains
Vespers January 25, 1976 with Carroll Hinderlie – What Christ is to Us, So We Are to All
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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