Rainer is a draughtsman, painter/muralist, Hebrew calligrapher, and print maker. He has taught art, art history, Jewish subjects, history, and ethics at Congregation Beth Shalom, Kadima Reconstructionist Community and other institutions and events in the greater Seattle Jewish and general communities. He is Program Specialist with the Launch academic support and enrichment program at Seattle’s Kimball Elementary School. Rainer is a longtime activist and leader for a just and sustainable Israeli-Palestinian peace. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Cleveland Institute of Art and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Washington.
Yohanna is a lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest and a second generation Rabbi. She has served the greater Seattle area as a Rabbi for 15 years. Yohanna is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and currently serves a Reform congregation, Kol Ami, in Woodinville, WA.
Audio Archive
Waldman Adkins, Rainer and Yohanna Kinberg
Recent Additions
Vespers June 13, 1975 with Keith Smith – Thru Christ Triumphant over Death
Vespers June 12, 1975 with Stillwater Luther League Annette Hansen – Dream Great Dreams
Vespers June 11, 1975 with Tim Booth – Come to the Dinner!
Vespers June 9, 1975 with Roy and Faye Burnette – Mission in Ecuador
Vespers June 8, 1975 with Alvin Rogness – In Defense of Repetition
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
February 8, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome