Audio Archive

Vessey, David

I grew up in Northfield, Minnesota and graduated from St. Olaf College. I got my PhD from the University of Notre Dame, and have taught in the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department at Beloit College and in the Great Books "Core" at the University of Chicago. I am currently am in the philosophy department at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Humans as Self-Interpreting Beings

Presenter: Vessey, David / 2011

Hermeneutics: Interpreting Texts as a Model for Self-Interpretation

Presenter: Vessey, David / 2011

Kierkegaard and Self-Interpretation

Presenter: Vessey, David / 2011

Heidegger and the Revelatory Power of Emotions

Presenter: Vessey, David / 2011

Virtues of Self Interpretation: Authenticity, Integrity, and Style

Presenter: Vessey, David / 2011

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

October 5, 2024| there are 2302 presenters in the archive | there are 19308 recordings in the archive | welcome