Carla Valentine Pryne is an Episcopal priest currently serving as rector of Church of the Holy Spirit, Vashon Island, Wa .An alumna of Bowdoin College and Yale Divinity School, she moved to the Pacific North West in 1980, when the ash of the Mt. St. Helens eruption was still on the ground. Carla has been coming to Holden Village annually for 20 years and considers Holden her heart’s home. Co-founder and first executive director of Earth Ministry in Seattle, she has been passionate about environmental justice and spirituality since she cleaned oiled birds in l989 at the Nestucca oil spill off Ocean Shores, Wa. Mother of Kai and Bjorn Berkedal – Holdenites since they were infants – she is married to Eric Pryne, a journalist at the Seattle Times. She likes to hike and backpack, ride horses, and – in January of each year – starts looking forward to Holden’s large scoops of ice cream.
Audio Archive
Pryne, Carla Valentine
Recent Additions
Vespers June 13, 1975 with Keith Smith – Thru Christ Triumphant over Death
Vespers June 12, 1975 with Stillwater Luther League Annette Hansen – Dream Great Dreams
Vespers June 11, 1975 with Tim Booth – Come to the Dinner!
Vespers June 9, 1975 with Roy and Faye Burnette – Mission in Ecuador
Vespers June 8, 1975 with Alvin Rogness – In Defense of Repetition
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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