Audio Archive

Paul, John Steven

SOUL PURPOSE is the liturgical drama troupe of the Valparaiso University Theatre (Valparaiso, IN). Founded in 1987, by John Steven Paul, Soul Purpose companies of six to eight actors have performed for churches, colleges, seminaries, high schools, religious convocations and fellowship organizations across the United States. More than one hundred fifty Valparaiso University students have participated in the program during the past sixteen years. The troupe’s repertoire of a score of original plays is based on Scripture readings chosen for the Revised Common Lectionary and designated to be red on particular Sundays of the Church Year. The Soul Purpose plays are designed to be parts of liturgical settings and to be performed in the sanctuary. The plays have served as dramatic proclamations of the Gospel for nearly two hundred Christian congregations.


Incarnating the Word in Drama

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 1998

Drama of Bible Study

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 1998

Making of a "Mystery" Play

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 1998

Beginnings, Middles & Endings: The Good News in Liturgical Drama

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 1998

The Soul Purpose Method of New Play-Making – Part 1: God is a Verb: Finding Dramatic Action

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 2003

The Soul Purpose Method of New Play-Making – Part 3: A Fish Story

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 2003

The Soul Purpose Method of New Play-Making – Part 4: Locusts and Wild Honey

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 2003

The Soul Purpose Method of New Play-Making – Part 5: God is a Verb: Finding Dramatic Action in the Bible

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 2003

A Conversation with Soul Purpose: Goals and Methods of Liturgical Drama

Presenter: Paul, John Steven / 2005

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

October 8, 2024| there are 2302 presenters in the archive | there are 19308 recordings in the archive | welcome