Audio Archive

Mayer, Chuck

Chuck was campus pastor at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio.


Psalm 81

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

What College People Are Thinking

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Psalm 61

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Psalm 8

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Psalm 6

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Psalm 109

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Psalm 23

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Psalm 42

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Psalm 122

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1979

Instant Cures: The Devil's Promise

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1982

Playing in the Psalms: Part 1

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1982

Playing in the Psalms: Part 2

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1982

An Introduction to Idol Making

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1982

Lessons in Cursing

Presenter: Mayer, Chuck / 1982

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 14, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome