Rabbi Robert Marx writes, "Every year of my life I grow more grateful to teachers; those who ordained me at the Hebrew Union College, and those who conferred a Ph.D. on me at Yale. The Jewish Council on Urban Affairs and Interfaith Worker Justice still symbolize my commitment to causes that combine the sacredness of religion with the powerful call to act justly (and maybe also Mercifully). I continue to work and teach, though my retirement allows me to be a lot more selective about the things I say “yes” to—and my freedom to say “no” to."
Robert is the author of Facing the Ultimate Loss.
(Bio from summer 2005)
Audio Archive
Marx, Robert
Clear a Way in the Wilderness: Part 1 – Don't Sit Under the Apple tree
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2000Clear a Way in the Wilderness: Part 3 – The Sacrifice of Isaac as Problem and as Legacy
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2000Clear a Way in the Wilderness: Part 4 – Jacob and His Demons, or Were They Angels?
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2000Clear a Way in the Wilderness: Part 6 – There Arose a New King Who Knew Not Joseph
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2000Clear a Way in the Wilderness: Part 7 – David, Bathsheba / Beginning of Prophecy
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2000Clear a Way in the Wilderness: Part 5 – Tamar and the Right of the Mother
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2000Take Off Your Shoes: The Anguish Before the Holy. "There Arose a New King."
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2005Take Off Your Shoes: The Rescuer as Divine Agent: The Price of Disobeying Authority
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2005Take Off Your Shoes: The Prince Becomes the Pauper: The Transformation of Moses
Presenter: Marx, Robert / 2005Recent Additions
Vespers September 30, 1975 with Curtis Haney – Water & Baptism (Matins)
Vespers September 29, 1975 with Helmut Thielicke – Christian Joy, Phil. 4
Vespers September 28, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Helpers of Your Joy
Vespers September 27, 1975 with Leo Bustad – How Are You Fixed for Broombushes
Vespers September 26, 1975 with Robert Mortvedt – Pitching Your Tent
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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