Charles P. Lutz has spent a lifetime writing and speaking on faith and social justice concerns. He retired 10 years ago from 40 years of work with both ecumenical and Lutheran agencies on the church and society agenda. Chuck serves today as the volunteer coordinator in Minnesota of Churches for Middle East Peace, a coalition of 21 national policy agencies of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches. He arranges for education in local churches, lobbying with members of Congress, and organizing group visits to Israel/Palestine. Chuck has authored or co-authored 13 books, including Surprising Gift, the story of Holden Village, and Christians and a Land Called Holy .
Audio Archive
Lutz, Charles
Rich Christians in a Poor World: Cry from the South, "Unstack the Deck!" – Part 1
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978Rich Christians in a Poor World: Cry from the South: "Unstack the Deck!" – Part 2
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978Rich Christians in a Poor World – Part 5: World Food & Family Farmers – Part 9
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978Holy Land Conflict – Part 1: Christian History in the Holy Land: an Unholy Mix
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006Holy Land Conflict – Part 2: Isreal/Palestine Today: the Facts on the Ground
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006Holy Land Conflict – Part 3: Faith Fundamentalisms in three Forms: All Bad for Peace
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006Holy Land Conflict – Part 4: Can We Use Political Advocacy to Love Holy Land Neighbors?
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006Holy Land Conflict – Part 5: Can We Use Economic Tools to Love Holy Land Neighbors?
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006Holy Land Conflict – Part 7: Faith Fundamentalisms in 3 Forms – All Bad for Peace
Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006Recent Additions
Vespers September 30, 1975 with Curtis Haney – Water & Baptism (Matins)
Vespers September 29, 1975 with Helmut Thielicke – Christian Joy, Phil. 4
Vespers September 28, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Helpers of Your Joy
Vespers September 27, 1975 with Leo Bustad – How Are You Fixed for Broombushes
Vespers September 26, 1975 with Robert Mortvedt – Pitching Your Tent
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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