Audio Archive

Lutz, Charles

Charles P. Lutz has spent a lifetime writing and speaking on faith and social justice concerns. He retired 10 years ago from 40 years of work with both ecumenical and Lutheran agencies on the church and society agenda. Chuck serves today as the volunteer coordinator in Minnesota of Churches for Middle East Peace, a coalition of 21 national policy agencies of Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches. He arranges for education in local churches, lobbying with members of Congress, and organizing group visits to Israel/Palestine. Chuck has authored or co-authored 13 books, including Surprising Gift, the story of Holden Village, and Christians and a Land Called Holy .


Rich Christians in a Poor World: Cry from the South, "Unstack the Deck!" – Part 1

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World: "Development" is a Slippery Word

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978

Theology of the Cross

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World: Cry from the South: "Unstack the Deck!" – Part 2

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World: Toward a Theology of Sufficiency

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978

Lutherans on Peace and War

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978

Rich Christians in a Poor World – Part 5: World Food & Family Farmers – Part 9

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1978

What Do We Mean by "Hunger"?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1980

Toward a Theology of the Land

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1980

Review of "Farming the Lord's Land"

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1980

Justice and Mercy

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1980

Theology of Letting Go

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1980

Mercy and Justice

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1984

What Can We Learn from Central Amerian Christians?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1984

War and Peace: Three Ethical Frameworks

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1984

War and Peace: Three Ethical Frameworks

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1984

Toward a Theology of Enemy Love

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1984

How Worldly Is Your Church?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1985

What's So Special about Namibia?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1985

Is the Death Penalty Desirable?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1985

Forty Years after Hiroshima

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1985

Reflections on Civil Disobedience

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1985

Schramm Years: 1978 – 1984 November 7, 1986

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1986

Reflecting on Capital Punishment

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1986

U.S. Farmers and Developing Countries

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1986

Government Spying in Our Churches

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1986

Childlessness and Procreation Ethics

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1986

Lenten Compassion Can Get You in Trouble

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1987

With Fear and Trembling: A Book about Holden Village

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1987

Government Spies in Churches: Are There Any Limits?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1987

New Ways of Making Babies

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1987

Does Your Principal Support Your Principles?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 1989

Holy Land Conflict – Part 1: Christian History in the Holy Land: an Unholy Mix

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Holy Land Conflict – Part 2: Isreal/Palestine Today: the Facts on the Ground

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Holy Land Conflict – Part 3: Faith Fundamentalisms in three Forms: All Bad for Peace

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Holy Land Conflict – Part 4: Can We Use Political Advocacy to Love Holy Land Neighbors?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Holy Land Conflict – Part 5: Can We Use Economic Tools to Love Holy Land Neighbors?

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Holy Land Conflict – Part 7: Faith Fundamentalisms in 3 Forms – All Bad for Peace

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Holy Land Conflict – Part 8: Citizen Power and Money Power in the Quest for Peace

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Justice Vespers

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2006

Christian History in the Holy Land: Not Always Holy

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2010

Faith Fundamentalism in Three Forms: All Bad for Peace

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2010

Israel/Palestine Today: The Facts on the Ground

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2010

How Can we Use Political Advocacy to Love Holy Land Neighbors

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2010

How Can We Use Economic Tools to Love Holy Land Neighbors

Presenter: Lutz, Charles / 2010

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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