Audio Archive

Lundholm, Peter

Peter is a chaplain at a small hospital working primarily with people who are chemically dependent and with their families.


Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Presenter: Lundholm, Peter / 1975

The Church and Chemical Dependency

Presenter: Lundholm, Peter / 1990

Looking at Our Own Addictions

Presenter: Lundholm, Peter / 1990

Families Experience Addiction and Grief

Presenter: Lundholm, Peter / 1990

Grief & Grieving: What is Helpful?

Presenter: Lundholm, Peter / 1990

A Recovery Experience, A Renewal of Baptismal Piety

Presenter: Lundholm, Peter / 1990

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

October 3, 2024| there are 2302 presenters in the archive | there are 19308 recordings in the archive | welcome