Audio Archive

Langknecht, Hank

Hank is on the faculty at Trinity Lutheran Seminary as Professor of Homiletics and Christian Communication.
He received his Bachelor from Stetson University, his Master of Divinity at Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Doctor of Theology at Victoria University in the University of Toronto.


What's the Bible Doing Here? Part 1: Finding Ourselves: Identity

Presenter: Langknecht, Hank / 2014

What's the Bible Doing Here? Part 2: Has the Universe Changed?

Presenter: Langknecht, Hank / 2014

What's the Bible Doing Here? Part 3: Naming Slings and Stones: Analogy

Presenter: Langknecht, Hank / 2014

What's the Bible Doing Here? Part 4: Appreciating God's Style; Typology

Presenter: Langknecht, Hank / 2014

What's the Bible Doing Here? Part 5: Mapping the Bible into the Unknown; Cartography

Presenter: Langknecht, Hank / 2014

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

December 14, 2024| there are 2311 presenters in the archive | there are 19407 recordings in the archive | welcome