Audio Archive

Hinderlie, Carroll

The Rev. Carroll Luther Hinderlie (1913 – 1992) was a disturber of the peace and a rocker of boats wherever he went. Born in Minnesota, he attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, and Luther Theological seminary in St. Paul. He was ordained in 1939 and married Mary Elizabeth Aasgaard.

Carroll and Mary were studying at the University of Oslo when the Germans attached the Norwegian capital in 1940. They escaped through Germany and returned to the United States later that year. A short time later, they landed in the Philippines on their way to become missionaries in China. In December 1941, they and their 3-week-old daughter were captured in the Philippines by the Japanese. The Hinderlies survived more than three years in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp during World War II by building a sense of community among their fellow prisoners.

After being liberated by U.S. forces in 1945, Carroll served a number of parishes in the Midwest and went on to become youth director for the former Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELC), where he organized thousands of students to rebuild war torn Europe. Carroll lectured on the New Testament at Luther Seminary from 1961 to 1963, when he became director of Holden Village.

Carroll served as director from 1963 until 1977. During that time, he helped to shape the Village into what it is today. Luvern Rieke, chair of the board during that time, describes Carroll’s time this way: “Carroll came to us with tremendous enthusiasm and energy, and a well-developed set of ideas for the Village. He had a great strength as a communicator of the Gospel. He was also able to stimulate financial support from private sources. It is impossible to imagine the Village as we know it today without the gifts and the service of Carroll Hinderlie.”

(Bio from Star Tribune 3/21/92, and Surprising Gift by Charles P. Lutz)


Sermon on Cleansing of the Temple

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966

First Sunday Service of the Season, May 22, 1966

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966

Sunday Service July 24, 1966

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966

Sunday Service

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966

Preaching Christ: Part 1 – Colossians, Luke 10:18

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966

Preaching Christ: Part 2 – Colossians (incomplete)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966

Sermon: The Righteousness That Exceeds — Dedication of Altar Banner and Stole, Paul Heyne Leads Worship

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966 or 1967

Four Letters to the Corinthians: Four Movements of a Symphony

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966 or 1967

Reflections on Einer Billing’s "Our Calling"

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966 or 1967

Worship John 15

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966 or 1967

Galatians 2:19-21, 3:1-5: The Life that Christ Lives in You

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966 or 1967


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966 or 1967

II Corinthians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1966 or 1967

Galatians 3-4

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

Galatians 3:27 – 4:1-31

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

The Magnificat

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

1 Peter

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

1 Peter

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

2 Corinthians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

1 Peter

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

1 Peter

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1967

Forgiveness of Sins

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Communist China under Mao with Bill Lehman

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

The Parish in the World — Shape of the Parish for Its 20th Century Mission

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Thessalonians I and II

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Sermon on the Mount

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Epistles to the Galatians and to the Colossians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Sermon – Luke 15:1-10

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Romans – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Romans – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Corinthians – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Corinthians – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

I Peter

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Discipleship – Luke 9:57

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Identity – Mark 8, John 8

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Legalism Gospel Lives Only By Controversy – John 2-5, Mark 2:18 & 7:13

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Excitement! The Beginnings of the Gospels – Mark 1-2, Luke 1-3, John 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Sermon – Isaiah 55:6-11

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Sermon – Luke 5:1-11

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Mark 14-16, Acts, Galatians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

Using God's Creation – Acquiring Our Own Place

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1968

September Lay Seminar: Conversations on Death III – Vespers

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Sermon: Secret of Joy July 14, 1969

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Eucharist – Mutiny on God's Bounty July 20, 1969

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Sermon: Failure August 3, 1969

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Sermon – The "Let" of the Gospel September 3, 1969

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Book DIscussion

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Matins September 7, 1969

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Vespers September 21, 1969

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Lewis' "The Abolition of Man"

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Lay Theology: Karl Rahner and the Remnant Church

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Abe Babe: Part 3 (Wendell Frerich's series)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Eucharist. How Do You Get Soul

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

C.S. Lewis' "Out of the Silent Planet"

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Review from the Beginning

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Holden Faculty "Organizing Itself Out of Chaos" — Preparing for the Week

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Matins July 13, 1969

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1969

Bible Study – Translation of Mark

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Bible Study – 1 Colossians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Bible Study – Music of the New Testament

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Bible Study – Colossians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Bible Study – Romans 12

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Bible Study – Romans 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Forms of the Satanic

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Bible Study – Gospel of John

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Vespers – Who is Speaking for Man?

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Our Calling

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1970

Camps Farthest Out Conference: Paul's Four Letters to the Corinthians – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

Camps Farthest Out Conference: Paul's Four Letters to the Corinthians – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

Camps Farthest Out Conference: Paul's Four Letters to the Corinthians – Part 3

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

Camps Farthest Out Conference: Paul's Four Letters to the Corinthians – Part 4

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

Camps Farthest Out Conference: God's Yes to Man, Man's Yes to God

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

Camps Farthest Out Conference: The Secret of Abiding

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

Missionary & Prison Camp Experiences — Poor Quality after minute 33 – but included here

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

1971 Lay Seminar

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1971

Vespers 1972

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Study of Corinthian Letters

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Kierkegaard's Three Stages of Life

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Bible Study: Colossians, Philippians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Bible Study: John

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Bible Study: Philippians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Bible Study: Lessons of the Week – Mark

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Karl Barth

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Study of Mark: September 4, 1972 – Part 1 – Intro and Lifestyle Program Approach

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Study of Mark: September 4, 1972 – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1972

Holden Is — with John Graber

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Taking Holden Back (with Beany Lundholm)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Galatians – Freedom

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke/Acts – Strong Name of Jesus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

John – Humility of Jesus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

1 Peter

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Four Letters to the Corinthians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke/Acts – Luke 7:36-50

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke/Acts – Prayer

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke/Acts – Luke & Woman

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke/Acts – Hope & Joy

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke/Acts – Wonder of the Spirit

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

2nd Corinthians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Holy Hilarity – Thessalonians – Hope

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Holy Hilarity – Psalms 25 & 27 – Waiting

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Holy Hilarity – Luke 10 – Hospitality

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Holy Hilarity – Joy, Peace, Fulfillment

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

The Strong Name of Jesus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

The Name of Jesus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Jesus Shapes Language for Conversation

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "The First Circle" – Part 1 – An Introduction

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "The First Circle" – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "The First Circle" – Part 3 followed by Corinthians — The Scriptural Shaping of the Proclamation

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Corinthians — The Scriptural Shaping of the Proclamation

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Eye Openers – Jesus Died for All Mankind

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke 3

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Luke 11

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers – Dying We Live – October 7, 1973

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Jung's Man and His Symbols

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

The Christian Imagination: The Inklings with Mary Hinderlie

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Jung on Dreams

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

God/s Claim & Caesar's Claim

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Prophetic in Literature

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Delight in Literature

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Literature Interprets Life

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers August 26, 1973 – Luke 10

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers September 14, 1973 – If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers September 21, 1973 – Hebrews 6

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers September 24, 1973 – Philippians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers September 30, 1973 – Jesus, Lord of the Impossible

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers October 3, 1973 – Summary Statement on Luke

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers October 14, 1973 – Hospitality & Joy

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Vespers 1973 – You Need Jesus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Advent & Christmas – December 3, 1973, Wait & Hasten

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Advent & Christmas – December 16, 1973, Christian Success

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Advent & Christmas – December 21, 1973, Doubt and Faith

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1973

Gospel of Matthew

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Epistle to the Colossians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Jeremiah – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Jeremiah – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Revelation of St. John

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Four Greek Words for Love

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Greek Terms of the Bible: Eternity, Ransom

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Kierkegaard – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Where the Wasteland Ends

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Mark – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Vespers September 8, 1974 with Carroll Hinderlie, Choir Anthem

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Vespers September 14, 1974

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Mark – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Luke-Acts (1974) – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Luke-Acts (1974) – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Luke-Acts (1974) – Part 3

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Epistle to the Romans

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Galatians (1974)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Vespers May 17, 1974 with Carroll Hinderlie

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Vespers June 24, 1974 with Carroll Hinderlie

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Vespers July 23, 1974 with Carroll Hinderlie

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1974

Why Study Greek?

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Four Letters to the Corinthians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Grand Inquisitor from Brothers Karamazov

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

John's Gospel

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Pentecost Sermon: Galatians 3: 13-14 (May 18, 1975)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Sermon: Communion of Saints Vespers November 2, 1975

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Good Reading

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Man and Woman in Scriptures – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Man and Woman in Scriptures – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Epistle to the Philippians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Breakdown of the Group Ego in Luke-Acts

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Shape of Community in the Light of John's Gospel

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Sermon: Baptized into the Promises of God – with Choir introduction

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Sermon: He Delights in Me! Vespers June 6, 1975

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Galatians – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Identification with Jesus in the Upper Room

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Gift of Time

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Galatians – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Luke: Chapters 1 & 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Sermon: The Power of the Resurrection – with Choir Introduction

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Sermon: Laughter of the Saints Vespers September 21, 1975

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Awake… Arise! Christ Shall Give You Light – Ephesians 5:14

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

In God's Name – Why!

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Ephesians l & 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Ephesians 3 & 4

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Ephesians 5

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Romans 8 (Eye Opener)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Excitement Through Reading – Art

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Excitement Through Reading: Theology of Play and Lord of Absurd

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

From 'Chronos' to 'Kairos': Ecclesiasticus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Gospel on John: Eye-opener With Rich Caemmerer

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

The Pauline Corpus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Our Calling by Einar Billings

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Festival Study in Romans – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Festival Study in Romans – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Festival Study in Romans – Part 3

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Sermon: Christ Makes Us TrulyHuman

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Sermon: The Happy Exchange

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers February 3, 1975 – When Nobody Cares

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 2, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Conflict with Satan

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 5, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – I Cried Unto the Lord

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 10, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Come and Go

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 16, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Finding Our Humanity in Christ

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 19, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – John 18 & 19 Background Ps 51

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 27, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – (The Last Supper) Night of Betrayal

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 29, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Baptism of Matthew Olsen

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers March 30, 1975 Easter with Carroll Hinderlie – The Power of the New Easter Life

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers April 22, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Honoring Paul Bergman of Stehekin on His Birthday

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers April 27, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Who’s Afraid of the Holy Ghost

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers May 7, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Grace Abiding

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers May 15, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Buried with Christ (and Bill Turner’s Baptism)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers June 1, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – The Happy Exchange

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers June 21, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – God Rescues Us

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers July 6, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Baptized into the Promises of God

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers July 20, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Living the Advent Life

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers August 24, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Jesus All the Way

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers August 31, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Thank and Think

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers September 21, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Laughter

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers September 22, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – The Consecration of Peter and Pam Lundholm

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers September 24, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – When There’s Koinonia

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers September 28, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Helpers of Your Joy

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers October 31 with Carroll Hinderlie – Martin Luther Alive

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers November 1, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Memorial of Hortie (Horton Christman) & Baptism of Bob

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers November 2, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Communion of Saints

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers November 30, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Hosannah — The Songs of Advent

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers December 7, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Stir Up — Liturgy of Advent

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Vespers December 14, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Marane — Come Quickly Lord

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1975

Witnessing for Christ

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

On Liberty by John Stuart Mill – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Galatians (1976)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

How the Novel Helps Us to Think (excerpt)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Healing of Lent: The Cross in Human Affliction

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Theology of Play

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Pain of Perfection

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Supporting One Another

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Church at Work in Your Life

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Christ’s Peace — The Referee

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Courage to be You

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The People of Hope

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

United Through Weakness

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Rest that Renews

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Church & Its Origins

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Church Learns Greek

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Church & The Roman Empire

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Life Together by Bonhoeffer

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

The Grand Inquisiter from Brothers Karamazov

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Life as a Festivity

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

On Liberty by John Stuart Mill – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Hebrews – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Hebrews – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Hebrews – Part 3

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Hebrews – Part 4

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Identity With Jesus in the Upper Room

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Role of the Stranger

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Born Again

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Celebrating Our Inheritance: Bible Study – Galatians 5

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Letting the Scriptures Come Alive

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Four Ear-Openers: Space; God's Masterpiece; Celebration Resolves Ambiguities; Forgiveness

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Bible Study on Galatians

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

How the Novel Helps Us to Think

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Psalm 82: Bible Study

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Sermons: "My Heart & My Flesh Cry Out" "Worthy of Eternal Life" "King of Kings"

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976


Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

God's Shining Vision for Man, the Yearning & Yielding

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

What Is Your Picture of God About?

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Open Bible: Book Review, Wesley Booth

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Gospel of John – Message to Youth, June 22, 1976

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Introduction to Luther

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Having Fun With Luther

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Review of "Handbook to Marriage": Bovet

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Vespers January 18, 1976 with Carroll Hinderlie – Christ Turns the Water of Life into Wine

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Vespers January 22, 1976 with Carroll Hinderlie – Psalm 86

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

Vespers January 25, 1976 with Carroll Hinderlie – What Christ is to Us, So We Are to All

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1976

What It Means to Do Theology

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Two Sermons (Farewell)

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

The Passion Narrative from John

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Four Sermons – Jesus Shapes His New Community

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Justification: Luther's Galations

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Communicating the Gospel: Paul's Galations

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Threat and Hope in Everyday Images – Jeremiah

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Discipleship – Kierkegaard's Works of Love

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Bible Study of Psalms

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Kierkegaard: Works of Love

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Bible Study: John

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luke-Acts – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luke-Acts – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luke-Acts – Part 3

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luke-Acts – Part 4

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luke-Acts – Part 5

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luke-Acts – Part 6

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luke-Acts – Part 7

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Becker on Kierkegaard – "Denial of Death"

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Ernest Becker: Escape From Evil

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luther on Galations – Part 1

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luther on Galations – Part 2

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luther on Galations – Part 3

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Ernest Becker: Angels in Armor

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Jesus Christ: Resurrection of Christ- Gospel Texts

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Witness of Becker: Becker, Ernest

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Luther Speaks for Himself

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1977

Modern Times 1920-1980

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1984

Imaginations: Bible Study

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1984

Baptized Imagination – Part 2: John's Imagery of Identification with Jesus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1986

Baptized Imagination – Part 3: Joined to the Laughter of the Saints

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1986

Baptized Imagination – Part 4: Luke Destroys Group Ego Idolatry

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1986

Forum: Running Naked with Christ

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1986

Baptized Imagination – Part 5: Owning the World in God's Yea in Jesus

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1986

Baptized Imagination – Part 1: Paul and Revolutionary Imagination

Presenter: Hinderlie, Carroll / 1986

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

February 15, 2025| there are 2316 presenters in the archive | there are 19581 recordings in the archive | welcome