Janet Hill is the Director of Music at Prince of Peace, Portage, MI serving as Organist, Choir Director and Music Coordinator for the events and worship services at the church. She brings a rich heritage of the Lutheran tradition from her experience at several previous Lutheran congregations. She holds a doctorate in organ from the Eastman School of Music, and is a recognized composer, with hymn tunes published in With One Voice and in a collection of Susan Palo Cherwein's hymns. Until its sale, Janet was Cathedral Musician at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Kalamazoo and served as one of the organists for Zion Lutheran Church. A gifted arranger, she continues to make new and creative use of hymn tune and folk song materials in music for adults and children.
(bio from 2015)
Janet reports "Our stay at Holden Village was pivotal — it was there we met Marva Dawn (and we've stayed connected ever since). It was our first experience walking in the mountains — later in 1998, we would go on a trek in Nepal. The great musical influence on my approach to congregational hymn singing (whether playing the organ, piano or going a capella) has been Alice Parker, and that's where the Kaleidoscope originated."
Audio Archive
Hill, Janet
Recent Additions
Vespers September 30, 1975 with Curtis Haney – Water & Baptism (Matins)
Vespers September 29, 1975 with Helmut Thielicke – Christian Joy, Phil. 4
Vespers September 28, 1975 with Carroll Hinderlie – Helpers of Your Joy
Vespers September 27, 1975 with Leo Bustad – How Are You Fixed for Broombushes
Vespers September 26, 1975 with Robert Mortvedt – Pitching Your Tent
Audio Archive Partner
Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.
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