Audio Archive

Hahn, David

David lives in the Seattle area. His passions include music, brews of various kinds, reading, and the wonderful outdoors. He has served for nearly 20 years as an ordained ELCA pastor in the Southwest. He completed his PhD at Luther Seminary in 2014 in the area of missiology, and with an emphasis in discerning the Spirit's leadership in a suspicious world. Currently he serves the Northwest Washington Synod half time as the Living Local Coordinator, a new initiative among congregations to discover life among neighbors. In addition to consultant work, he also is an adjunct faculty at Luther Seminary teaching courses on the Missional Church, and Evangelism.


In the Village: Being in an Age of Truthiness with David Hahn

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2016

Being in an Age of Truthiness: Being Church

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2016

Being in an Age of Truthiness: Being Broken

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2016

Being in an Age of Truthiness: Being Neighbor

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2016

Eucharist August 6, 2017

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2017

The Spirit of Listening

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2017

Spirit of Listening and Connection

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2017

Spirit of Listening and Affirmation

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2017

Spirit of Listening and Disruption

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2017

Spirit of Listening and Puzzlement

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2017

Spirit of Listening and Patience

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2017

Eucharist March 3, 2019

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2019

Eucharist September 8, 2019

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2019

God's Love as Differentiated Unity

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2019

Listening is an Act of Love: Solidarity and Courage

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2019

Listening is an Act of Love: Hospitality and Hope

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2019

Listening is an Act of Love: Patience and Trust

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2019

Listening is an Act of Love: Curiosity and Doubt

Presenter: Hahn, David / 2019

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

October 22, 2024| there are 2302 presenters in the archive | there are 19308 recordings in the archive | welcome