Audio Archive

Habel, Norman

Norm Habel is Professorial Fellow at Flinders University and teaches at the Adelaide College of Divinity. He has long been involved in issues of biblical interpretation and social justice. Among his writings is a major commentary on the biblical book of Job. He has published Reconciliation: Searching for Australia’s Soul, a work that traces our journey from being racists to advocates of reconciliation and includes rites of healing at specific sites. His current major research includes The Earth Bible, an international project with other scholars reading the Bible from the perspective of Justice for the Earth. He is concerned that we, as human beings, re-connect with Earth as a sanctuary, a living planet and an expression of God’s presence. During the 1960’s and early 1970’s Norman was an active participant in Holden Village, lecturing, creating worship, writing songs and combining with Herb Brokering to write the play: Mary Had a Little Lamb. He is one of the team of writers who has prepared the Study Book for the Lutheran World Federation Assembly in 2003.
(Bio from summer 2002)


The Hope of the Old Testament

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1966


Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1966

Daniel – Part 1

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1966

Daniel – Part 2

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1966

Genesis 1-2

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

"When the Red Man Came" from "Purple Puzzle Tree"

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Jonah, Vespers Address

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Creation of Man, Song of Songs

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Theater Play, For Mature Adults Only

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Listen to the Sounds – Sounds of Celebration

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Listen to the Sounds – Sounds of Fear and the Whistle of Mistrust

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Listen to the Sounds – Sound of Hunger

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Listen to the Sounds – Quiver of Loneliness

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Listen to the Sounds – Rumble of Resurrection

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Jeremiah – God's Risk

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Jeremiah – Where Doom Leads

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Jeremiah – Doom and Failure

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Jeremiah – Symbolic Actions

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Jeremiah – What is a Prophet

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Psalm19 – Being Honest in Relationships

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

The Sign of Jonah – The Wonder of God's Love

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

What's the Center of Life

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Love and Sexuality (Song of Solomon)

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Job – Angry Young Man

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Dreams of Hope (Solomon)

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Mediators (Jacob's Struggle with God)

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1968

Song of Solomon Bible Study

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1969

Jonah Bible Study

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1969

Genesis Creation

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1969


Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1969

"Mary Had a Little Lamb"

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1969

Creation — Purple Puzzle #3: "In the Enchanted Garden"

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Bible Study: Job – Part 1

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Bible Study: Job – Part 2

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Bible Study: Job – Part 3

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Bible Study: Job – Part 4

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Vespers August 1972

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Genesis – Part 1

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Genesis – Part 2

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Abraham and the Promise

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Moses and the Exodus

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1972

Framing of Job

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1983

Hagar the Horrible?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1987

Solomon the Wise?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1987

Moses the Militant?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1987

Job the Heretic?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1987

Jesus the Lord?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 1987

Connecting with Earth: Earth as Parent: Letters From the Earth

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Connecting with Earth: Earth as Mentor

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Connecting with Earth: Earth as Revelation

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Connecting with Earth: Earth as Mystery

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Purple Puzzle Tree

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

What Was God Doing in Australia Before the Europeans Came?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

The Purple Puzzle Tree

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

The Earth Bible: Making Spiritual Connections with Earth

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Whose Promised Land Is It Anyway?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Whose Promised Land Is It Anyway?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Job, Jennifer, and Jesus: The Pain of Pious Answers to Suffering (Part 1)

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Job, Jennifer, and Jesus: (Part 2) The Pain of Suffering Unjustly and Alone

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

What Was God Doing in Australia Before the Europeans Came?

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Job, Jennifer, and Jesus: The Pain of Pious Answers to Suffering (Part 3)

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Job, Jennifer, and Jesus: The Pain of Suffering Unjustly & Alone (Part 4)

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

The Purple Puzzle Tree

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Earth Bible: Reconnecting with Earth

Presenter: Habel, Norman / 2002

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

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