Audio Archive

Fouts, Roger and Debbie

Roger and Debbie Fouts have been a part of Project Washoe since 1967. Washoe has been a part of Project Washoe since 1966. Washoe has one year seniority on the Fouts! Washoe is the first non-human being to acquire a human language, American Sign Language for the Deaf, and has since passed her language on to her adopted son Loulis. Roger and Debbie are very active in trying to improve life for our captive kin and are about to start a project in the Central African Republic to help protect our free-living kin. Roger and Debbie live in Ellensburg, Washington maintaining bedroom shrines to their three grown children. Washoe lives in the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute at Central Washington University with her family Maja, Tatu, Doi and Loulis. We all share the dream of some day living at peace with our fellow animals.


Animal Theology: Together in Christ – Part 1: Getting to Know Your Chimpanzee Kin: Cultureā€¦

Presenter: Fouts, Roger and Debbie / 2000

Animal Theology: Together in Christ – Part 2: Darwin and the Devil: Greek Philosophy or Christian

Presenter: Fouts, Roger and Debbie / 2000

Animal Theology: Together in Christ – Part 3: Christ and His Animals

Presenter: Fouts, Roger and Debbie / 2000

Holden wishes to express appreciation to PLU, Pacific Lutheran University, for their support of the Holden Audio Archive Project.

February 7, 2025| there are 2312 presenters in the archive | there are 19474 recordings in the archive | welcome